October 2024 by McKie Rich
This place is great if you need a quick stop for a few items. Parking is free and easily accessible. They sell most major brands. They also have local produce. No bakery. They have a small deli/ butcher. Most times they only have one cashier and the lines are medium length during busy times. The area in near a few school, so watch out for pedestrians.
October 2024 by Shannon Bryson
I grew up in this neighbourhood, we used to be able to buy foods that everyone from all cultures could eat and drink. This is a low income area with MANY disabled and elderly people in it. We all deserve to be able to purchase anything needed, not ONLY Halal and expired food/drinks.
I had sent my daughters to the corner grocery store (this exact location) to grab a couple things we needed (they don't sell ground beef, the don't sell anything that isn't Halal).
One item my daughter's (aged 16 and 14) purchased was a Starbucks Mocha drink. When my daughters got home I went to open the drink, just before opening the drink I noticed the expiry date. It was dated May of 2022 (22/05/10). This store is obviously selling expired food and drinks. When the drink was taken back with the receipt they denied that they were the ones who sold my children the drink (even though the name of the store, location address and phone number for the store were all on the receipt). The manager was nowhere to be found when I requested to speak to them about this issue.
This store had from my count 12 employees and maybe two customers. This store has taken away from those in the neighbourhood who are low income. We can no longer purchase any of the foods we would normally buy for our families (beef, pork, etc). The prices on some items are higher than Walmart and NoFrills (which there was a NoFrills in this location when I went to Glenforest Secondary School and when I first moved into my home 10 years ago).
I find the fact that this grocery store caters to a community that does not purchase the products they sell and they are selling expired food/drinks is a disgrace to the neighbourhood and our community.
It seems a sketchy as well that they can support 12+ employees with only 1 - 2 customers a day. As someone who was a business math student, this seems impossible. A business cannot bring in enough money to pay for all the food (which has been determined to be either expired or close to expired) as well as paying for the location (which is rented from the property owners) and pay the salary of 12+ employees.
I myself am disabled and have to travel out of my area in order to purchase groceries for my family. I will never purchase anything from this store again. Especially after them selling expired products to customers (some of which are teenagers), putting the health and safety of our neighbourhood/ communities families at risk.
October 2024 by Sheeba Yaseen
What a disgusting place un trained staff so disrespectful don't know how to deal with the shoplifting because in every grocery store it's possible so there is an arrangement for that how to deal but you know desi ko to har jaga Apna desi or unprofessionalism dikhana hi Hota hay.
Oh I hate I don't want to go there again .such a disrespectful people ???
October 2024 by Kazi Nafeez Alam
Good quality service
October 2024 by husna hyder
I would have appreciated if ic kept the old staff instead of employing new ones. The cashier was very warm welcoming, smiling cheerful and would always greet us at counter who is now being replaced by a very pretty faced young girl with an arrogant face.
And the other staff who works there are always into their own world I even saw one of the boys working trying to convince other girl employee over an argument. Looked more like a boyfriend impressing his lost girlfriend all in front of Customers. Do you think we come here to see ur drama ?
The only one who is disciplined at ic food world is the new butcher. He greets people with smile and suggests us over what kind of cuts are better for various cuisines, he has cut veal exactly the way I wanted it to be.
Although a bit pricey compared to other stores only reason we like going here is out of emergency.
Ic u must consider getting ur prices back to what I used to be before who sells corriander bunch for 1.79 ? Where other places it’s sold for 1.5 .
Although other prices are quite reasonable but we don’t see offers that used to.
September 2024 by Emily Wood
Poor quality produce. More expensive than Loblaws. Ruined a perfectly nice local grocery store.
September 2024 by ashir amiir
So just bought bunch of chocolates from here. First they increased the price per bar from $2 to $2.5 in 4-5 months. Then the manager over there was saying to his employees to keep an eye on me as I bought like 30-40 chocolates and the girl employee (she was nice to me respectful) said that let him pick. It is so disrespectful to your customers! Had I heard him at that time correctly I would have taught this Desi a lesson. Never coming again though this is too much of disrespect even after buying items for 90 bucks. I don't have a problem with paying 50 cents a bar more but this is just ridiculous the way he was talking to her about me. They didn't realise I understand Hindi or Urdu because I don't look like I belong to that community. Next time be respectful and know who is trying to steal who is not! Looks like management changed from the time I came like months ago.
September 2024 by Andrea Hodgson
Please check the expiry Dates i bought milk in there exp date july 2nd today is aug 10th. exchanged it no problem to many expired dairy products do better
September 2024 by Taylor Raine
New management took over and from what I understand, my friendly neighborhood cashiers have been replaced!!! Ruined a perfectly well rounded local grocer..... And if you thought it couldn't get worse I went in 2 times the other day and there were 2 customers in the store and 13 employees. It used to be the other way around but you destroyed a local place for the locals, to cater to an audience that isn't even local to this area. How on earth can you support all those employees. It's sooooo sketchy.
July 2024 by Duaa Mir
PLEASE DONT BUY MEAT FROM HERE!! Worst place to buy meat! Don’t know how they weigh, overcharged me for old meat and when I called to complain they literally hanged up. I tried calling again but he never picked! Literally charged me $13 for 3 pcs of meat
July 2024 by Nauman Khalid
Check the prices when they scan at exit.
Rice, apples, biscuits are on special deal.
July 2024 by Yaser Khan
Very costly compare to other super market ?
July 2024 by mirA A
One of my favorite supermarket. Close ti my accommodation and has most of the items.new management you are doing good job. Keep it up ?
July 2024 by Lakhwinder Kaur
The new management is so bad! These people don’t know how to make loyal customers, they’d rather prefer overcharging one time customer who would never come back than a loyal long term customer
June 2024 by Jacques Schrap
NEVER EVER SHOP at this EXCUSE for a grocery store!!!
After using it as a quick local grocers since it opened instead of going to Walmart or Costco where I usually shop I've officially been thrown off shopping here ever again.
Pepsi 2L products have been 2 for $3.50 for years and when I confronted the owner about it being increased to $4.50 & the reasoning behind it not even 10 minutes ago he lied saying it was always like that and then resorted to saying it's getting expensive when I told him I've shopped here since it opened & know the price while also mentioning the MAJORITY of products are already over priced compared to normal grocery chains and the only reason i bother coming is because of the $3.50 deal on the 2L's, This was all told to him all this before putting back all my groceries politely and letting him know I'm NEVER GOING BACK because he lied like a rat.
The new ownership is scamming people attempting to vulture on an area that's lower income all because you're tailoring to their cultural roots in foods.
I'll also be reporting you to the BBB for your attempted scamming.
Edit: After leaving my honest REAL review on March 19th 2024 from a verified Google account from a long time customer of the business prior to the new ownership took over the owner clearly hired or told relatives to bombard the Google page with MULTIPLE FAKE 5 star reviews on March 20th 2024 because me and another long time customer a lady also left a review on what a scam it has become ever since management changed and is trying to hide our HONEST reviews under a bunch of fake ones as another method of his SCAM.
Update May 7th 2024, I am now receiving advertisements via CanadaPost about this store another example of him using the increased revenue to pay for advertisements while the prices and produce remain subpar.