February 2024 by Laura Arndt
Unbelievable roads, good thing I was just visiting.
October 2023 by Tina Fowler
This trailer park is in need of a make over the roads are horrible there is steel beams from old trailers sitting on empty lots not to mention old gutted trailers that are a eye soar.. Also there is no dogs allowed not even If you build a fence which is frowned upon.. on a positive note the lot rent is reasonable.....
May 2023 by Dacia Penn
I seen this with you running that damn trailer park
March 2023 by C G
Wow, what happened to this place? How do they let people live like this? And do they expect people to pay, or get paid to live in the back drop to a Scooby-Doo mini series on Netflix?
March 2022 by Michael Tello
I've had friends living in and out of those trailers over the last 15 years and they haven't changed in any kind of way since I've been around. I was there the other day and there were alot of the trailers that had damage. Its right by the college too so I would think that they would want all their trailers to look top notch.
March 2022 by Trevor Moss
I’ve been here for over a year now and I really don’t have to much to complain about. The roads absolutely need fixed, and I wish they’d stop spraying my stairs with weed killer. It’s one thing to get it on the bottom step,but the third one?
March 2021 by Gloria Starr
Roads need improvements - dogs running loose some not very friendly
March 2019 by The Metal GeeZer
Lived there 4 years..! It's a complete dump. Many empty lots. A bunch of empty vandalized rundown trailers. The whole mobile park is over run with stray cats so their is no shortage on farrel kittens.! Half of the park is no long rented out... 2 stars is for it being a complete dump..! The rent for our 3 bedroom trailer was 500 bucks.. reasonable for the size.
March 2018 by Darrel Merkey
Just visited relatives there.
March 2015 by Bobby Johnson
Its good