March 2024 by Terri Wolfe
I love this pharmacy they are polite, friendly and personable
December 2023 by Tony C.
Friendly personal service. Location needs some TLC, but they know how to sling meds with the best of em.
December 2023 by C H.
Well, this ride has come to an end. After a year of some of the absolute worst customer service out there, I've had it. They have two good employees- Sylvia, a pharm tech, and Dan the delivery driver. Jim, who is supposed to be a manager, is far from one. And Irma. Sweet sweet Irma. She single handedly ran me off, along with our family, and several friends. She is as friendly as a den full of rattlesnakes, knows less than nothing about her job, doesn't give a damn about customers, yet Jim claims 99.9% of their customers praise her every time they come in. Ya that's a line of bull excrement! I've sent emails to the owner, Laura, advising her if the issues she has ongoing with this employee. Of course I get a response full of all kinds of sugar coated crap, with promises of permanent resolution. That consists of emailing Jim, and not a thing is done. He doesn't want to deal with confrontation. We had issues with my debit card being charged for meds we did NOT ask for or authorize. Overdrew my account twice. Owner fixed the charge and reverse it. I asked about the overdraft charges, was told those are my problem. Didn't unauthorized charges stop? Nope! I literally had to start turning my debit card off so they couldn't charge anymore without calling me first. Now that is pathetic that I have to go to that extreme to stop charges! Yesterday was breaking point. Called to ask about scripts that I called in on Monday. One required a refill from my doctor, so I messaged my doctor for that. One would need ordered. Fast forward to Thursday. Dan calls me to let me know he is delivering and how much so he could charge. All good. Dan delivers, we open the package, and my insulin is in there, but not the other meds. So we call, and of course, got Irma. We asked why we didn't get the delivery. Her response, "well I don't know (in her normal "Irma" fashion). She looks, advises that one med needed a refill... same one I messaged my doc about. Asked if they sent a refill request. Another friendly Irma "I don't know". Asked about the other med. it had to be ordered. Has it been ordered? Again, "I don't know". In my house we call her I don't know Irma. So my family member got on phone and asked for Jim, the manager. Oh boy.... The light switch turned on, and satan Irma comes out!!! Excuses excuses, blah blah blah on why she can't transfer, then puts us on hold. 10 min later, she comes back.... Complete 180 def attitude change. Sweet as a candy shop polite. Says it was an insurance problem. The same line of crap we get every month. Asked still to speak with Jim. She simply talks over my family until I had enough and I called the pharmacy. Lo and behold..... Jim answers. Proceeds to make implications that Irma was NEVER rude, was completely professional and sweet to us. We went round and round in circles over this. He had me so insulted and pretty PO'd. I made a sarcastic comment " well thanks Jim, I guess it's one of my 15 personalities making this crap up." His response "I have to agree, it probably is." Ya I got severely POd. He attempted to retract the comment, but that wasn't gonna fly. Messaged owner on her phone as she told me to do any time I needed something. First time I'd even considered using it. No response of course. Called later.... Left voice mail. Later that night, I emailed. No response. Nothing today. We had already found a pharmacy and had a lengthy conversation about this. At least they cared! So we are moving our scripts. I do have to admit, I did call up and gave my praise to Sylvia and Dan, and kindly ask that they let Jim know that I asked him to shove that pharmacy up his backside, and Irma's too!!! Long winded, I know. But if you need a pharmacy.... Trust the negative reviews.... This place is HORRID! It would improve 95% if they got rid of Irma. Why they want this woman on payroll is beyond me. She answers the phone and screws everything up!!! Good luck to you both Jim and
December 2023 by Ashley Plemons
The staff was so helpful when I found out that my prescription had been picked up at another pharmacy and it wasn't by me they were so helpful and understood my frustration and even got back to me within 20 min and it is a really good place compared to the expensive big pharmacy so if you're looking for better prices and better personal experience I would definitely come here
December 2023 by Leslie Wright
Very kind and friendly people plus I had been struggling to find a pharmacy that had my prescription and they did and were very helpful for me to get it filled
October 2023 by Janeta Lankford
My husband is a diabetic and has several medications that he has to take on a daily basis. He has had a stroke and is pretty much confined to his wheelchair or recliner. It's hard to keep track of all of them. Asbury makes daily dispensing packs for all his meds. Sure saves me time and stress not having to sort them out every morning and night. I have noticed a change in employees, but they still are helpful and courteous. Thank you Asbury for keeping track of all his meds for me. I probably would get it all wrong without their help.
May 2023 by Jenkin Hammond
I've been using Asbury Pharmacy for years. Shawna has been amazing over that time but the service has declined as other employees have stepped in.
May 2023 by Catrina Cantwell
I have been using Asbury for a couple years. I liked supporting a local pharmacy instead of a big chain. However, my medication has been repeatedly on order over the last few months, and I was just told today that Asbury would no longer be filling my medication because it was too expensive for them to order and so they lost money on my medication filling. I could not believe the terrible patient care and unethical reasoning given to me. My fiancé and I will be finding a new pharmacy that helps all of their patients equally. This pharmacy should be ashamed to offer any patient “care.”
March 2023 by kb81c cme
Refered to by another company. I was on hold for over 15mins just to be told that they don't carry the meds I need and that that they wouldn't be able to get it even with a Dr. Order..WOW. thanks a lot... total waste of time, and unhelpful. I hope that person was just having a bad day because the customer service was horrible.
December 2022 by Lovetta Hurst
I don't use this pharmacy but if I lived closer I definitely would. I have however got all my covid shots and flu shots there. They're the nicest people and the atmosphere is always warm and friendly.
September 2022 by Annie Almond
Absolutely love having a friendly neighborhood pharmacy to help with our Covid-19 vaccine support. Keep up the good work! Annie
September 2022 by Nichelle
Since I have worked as a pharmacy tech I am picky on the pharmacy I use. Asbury is maybe 700ft away from where I live so I switched from Crest in mwc which I LOVED. Asbury doesn’t contact you about having your medication ready which is already disappointing and I’m glad I didn’t go and have to sit there. When I called the tech was not very talkative at all. I told him I didn’t have tricare and haven’t in a long time, he then again told me that they rejected it and I said yeah it isn’t my insurance anymore. I told him my new insurance a few times, no small talk or anything he just let me know they had to submit a prior authorization… I don’t know if I get a call back when/if they’re ready. I will most likely switch back to Crest or another local pharmacy.
August 2022 by N
Since I have worked as a pharmacy tech I am picky on the pharmacy I use. Asbury is maybe 700ft away from where I live so I switched from Crest in mwc which I LOVED. Asbury doesn’t contact you about having your medication ready which is already disappointing and I’m glad I didn’t go and have to sit there. When I called the tech was not very talkative at all. I told him I didn’t have tricare and haven’t in a long time, he then again told me that they rejected it and I said yeah it isn’t my insurance anymore. I told him my new insurance a few times, no small talk or anything he just let me know they had to submit a prior authorization… I don’t know if I get a call back when/if they’re ready. I will most likely switch back to Crest or another local pharmacy.
August 2022 by Mariah Webb
Im so glad I switched my meds to this small locally owned pharmacy. The care and attention to detail is just wonderful. They’re really helpful with anything and I never wait in line. Thank you so much to the staff of this place!
July 2022 by Helena Bischoff
They’re great if you’re looking for the slowest pharmacy in OKC.