September 2023 by Brian Dailey
Levi and Jake are legit superheros! New girl at night seemed pretty awesome too! Store manager in mornings (too early to remember her name!) Is a rockstar too! I'm a fan of these ppl!
August 2023 by Stephanie Dailey
Staff always very friendly when I stop in.
December 2021 by Trina Moore
the guy with the red hair is rlly cool and nice and i don’t even know him. that’s all.
November 2019 by John Dehan
They closed the station as i was pumping gas. A a regular customer/ or just any customer this is totally disrespectful.
October 2019 by Penny Lane
road work makes it difficult to get in and out of PS Gas Station, price . 5 cents off is sweet. Today I paid $2.44 per gallon that is with 5 cents off... Then drove into Maumee and Speedway is $2.44 and Pit Stop is $2.44 with 4 cents off... Perrysburg speedway shot up to $2.69 per gallon, Drive out to Clyde speedway is $2.79...
September 2019 by Kermit Quinn
Great customer service!