February 2025 by Ashley Stinson
Every bank in the point has rude customer service. Y’all truly be hating life.
April 2024 by MR “KENNY” KROUSE
Account got hacked no help from 5/3rd worst Bank in the Galaxy
Account got hacked no help from 5/3rd worst Bank in the Galaxy
April 2019 by certified source
The staff is slow and unprofessional, i recommend banking with any other.. Even key bank
August 2018 by chris gugin
I have been with fifth third for 6 years and the point place one is the best the staff and management is awesome
July 2016 by Patriotic Insurgent
Always taking money out of your account, I eventually tried to cancel my account. When I did, the Bank Manager demanded that I let him keep all of the money in the account otherwise he wouldn't close the account. And if he didn't close the account, they would keep taking money out month after month, eventually leading to a negative balance and negative mark on my credit report. In other words, I was politely robbed by Fifth Third Bank management.
February 2015 by Arsianna Walker-Johnson (Anna)
Fifth Third Bank is the definition of bankers robbing their customers. I can't count how many scams, schemes and hidden traps they set up for their customers all with one goal in mind: TO ROB THEIR CUSTOMERS EVERY WAY THEY CAN. I have a close friend who investigates banks that commit fraud and violate lending laws, and when I told him about Fifth Third Bank, he said they are one of the top predator banks in the industry.
Whenever you try to talk to the bank manager, he just smiles and gives you a "hey, this isn't the 1950's anymore" kind of remarks with a 'suck on this' kind of attitude when you ask for them to return money that they have taken from your account. I even gave written proof that they took money from my account and he ignored it completely. If civilians robbed banks the way banks the way Fifth Third Bank robs their customers, we'd be put in jail. I only wish there was a law that locked up bankers like Fifth Third for committing the same crimes. I apologise for ranting like this, I just don't want anyone else to get robbed by Fifth Third Bank the way I trusted them.
August 2014 by Arsianna Walker-Johnson
Fifth Third Bank is the definition of bankers robbing their customers. I can't count how many scams, schemes and hidden traps they set up for their customers all with one goal in mind: TO ROB THEIR CUSTOMERS EVERY WAY THEY CAN. I have a close friend who investigates banks that commit fraud and violate lending laws, and when I told him about Fifth Third Bank, he said they are one of the top predator banks in the industry. Whenever you try to talk to the bank manager, he just smiles and gives you a "hey, this isn't the 1950's anymore" kind of remarks with a 'suck on this' kind of attitude when you ask for them to return money that they have taken from your account. I even gave written proof that they took money from my account and he ignored it completely. If civilians robbed banks the way banks the way Fifth Third Bank robs their customers, we'd be put in jail. I only wish there was a law that locked up bankers like Fifth Third for committing the same crimes. I apologise for ranting like this, I just don't want anyone else to get robbed by Fifth Third Bank the way I trusted them.
April 2013 by Amos Stoddar
The manager physically made my stomach sick when I asked to close my business account. After having my debit card compromised and theft from my account, fifth third bank slapped me in the face with a "insuficient fund" fee and refused to refund the money that was stolen. A weeks worth of trying to resolve the issue proved that Fifth Third cared more about their $25 than losing a customer. When I went to close my account the bank manager literally asked me if I checked to make sure my wife "wasn't a man who had a sex change before I married her". NO JOKE, he really asked that. Then when I asked to close my account, he threatened to impose a $100 fine for closing the accounts. So, my money got stolen, Fifth Third Bank penalized me for it, insulted my wife, and then demanded $100 for their horrible banking practices. Oh, but then the manager agreed to waive the $100 closing fee if I'd allow him to keep the rest of the money that was in my business account. TRUE STORY! Please, I STRONGLY WARN PEOPLE from banking with Fifth Third. They are just thieves waiting for you to give them your hard earned money so they can dip their hands into it and not protect your accounts from debit card fraud. My stomach physically felt sick when I left the bank, as if I just got robbed and raped by the bank manager. Please, take this warning seriously, this really did happen.