Park Village Apartments
3.4 -
5 reviews.
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65 Park Village, Shelby OH 44875
Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.
Most Recent Comments
November 2023
I have lived there for 4 years.My apartment has been renovated.I really enjoy living there and appreciate Debbie who is the office manager.
July 2023
They had me fill out the paperwork and gather all the paperwork until they realized I m not old enough to reside on the property
September 2019
Manager is snippy and straight up rude.I had called in bc I needed to get into my grandmother's apartment to get her wheelchair for an emergency and I was told that she can't let me in. I never had this problem until the new manager came in. Wouldn't recommend this place to a dog.
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From Park Village Apartments
At Fairfield Homes, Inc., we operate on a 4-day workweek. We are available by phone and email Monday-Thursday (with the exception of holidays) from 8:30am-4:30pm. Please contact us directly if you wish to tour the community or meet with the Community Manager before arriving.
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