May 2024 by Sean Davis
Neat store,great deal on boots and shoes, clothing, and outdoor supplies. There are tons of great clearance deals as well. Even better bring your dog along. Food in restaurant is also very good.
May 2024 by Lisa B
If you are looking for boots of all kinds you need to go here. They have all kinds of outdoor gear. Shirts, pants, jackets, gloves and hats. They have whole areas for kids and one for women and one for men’s. So they have lots of choices for everyone. They sell Muck brand boots and I scored a pair for $20. Probably because I have such tiny feet but works perfect for me. They have a pretty big clearance section. They have men’s sizes up to 15 which is great and not easy to find. They have cowboy boots, work boots, garden boots and etc. all different styles, types and colors. They also have food! You can even take a break and grab a beer. They have three floors of shopping. There is an elevator so getting around is easy for everyone. The parking lot is huge too and offers free parking. Well worth the drive.
April 2024 by Mel K
But 1 get 2 free equals about buy 2 get 1 free because the prices of that deal are higher. Regular boots are about $90 on the first floor. The b1g2 deal boots cost about $290. So buy what you like.
April 2024 by Dorothy Brown
The first time eating here and the pulled pork barbecued sandwich was awesome. Worked at the Shoe Factory so many years ago(1975). It was nice running into Kevin Dotson he's always such a pleasure to talk to. Retire Kevin?
April 2024 by Chris Mcintosh
Good stuff nice restaurant.
April 2024 by Santiago Oviedo
Very good prices and their online store is very good too, totally recommend buying from Rocky outdoors!
March 2024 by Michael Wascher
Pleasant staff, nice store. Primarily hunting related clothing & shoes. Also a BBQ restaurant, firearms, bows, and related gear
March 2024 by Stephie Carpenter
Update 2-3-24Not any good deals. Yes, they had buy 1 get 2 free BUT when I paid $30 for a pair of boots & they now want $150 for them now, no thanks.Not as many boots as I expected but a nice store.
January 2024 by Christopher F.
I purchased boots the second week of Jan and received them Jan 19. tried them on and found they were too narrow. I tried to create a return label--the website would not acknowledge my order number. I called the 1-800 number and sat on hold for what felt like hours listening to the same advertisements over and over until I had to end the call. I emailed and received a response which I followed up with asking for a different boot. I did not hear anything back. I tried all the forms of communication again twice this week and still cannot get a freakin' response to send these boots back. all I want to do is return them and find boots at another distributor. Maybe I'll go back to Bates or treat myself to some Danners. I'm done with Rocky after this experience.
January 2024 by David Taylor
Used to be a cool place to shop. Not so much anymore
January 2024 by Ronald Coconougher
Great place, everything the outdoors man or woman would need.
January 2024 by Richard Herzog
The inside store is fabulous. More footwear in one place than any one person would ever need. Reasonable prices.
January 2024 by Rick Gottke
Something for everyone. Love it.
December 2023 by Adrianne
I haven’t been in this store in several years. There are 3 floors to explore. The upper 2 floors have tore of a clearances section. I picked up a hunting jacket & gloves. If you are in the areas stop in!
December 2023 by Emily N.
I'm not normally one to leave a review like this, but this needs brought to light. I bought an overpriced $50 pair of socks for my father for Christmas. Shipping originally said 7-10 days. it has now been 3.5 weeks and the socks have not arrived. customer service puts you on hold for 1-2 hours just to tell you to be patient and keep waiting. Now when I log into my account on Rocky boots it no longer says I have an active order. Yet I still have the $50 charge on my credit card. The tracking number in the email does not show that anything is being shipped. This company is a scam and I would not recommend.