July 2024 by Shahzod Xazratqulov
So i came from foreign country and i visited at the chase bank her name is Carlos. She is the worst and disrespectful person I ever met. She is so mean she doesn’t listen to anything. She gets distracted on her computer and she’s the worst. I would not. I would not like to put her in work if I was you I would make her just fired. She’s laughing at me She’s the worst person I ever seen and I don’t want to talk to her ever again she’s so dumb and ugly.????
June 2024 by Khusan Khalimov
Carlos is the worst and disrespectful person I ever met. He is so mean he doesn’t listen to anything. He gets distracted on his computer and he’s the worst. I would not. I would not like to put him in work if I was you I would make him just fired. He’s the worst person I ever seen and I don’t want to talk to him ever again he’s so dumb and ugly.????
June 2024 by Shamshod Shukurov
So today I can to your bank and we went to your Worker Carlos he did not try to listen to us and try to understand we were mad he was not even working and he was on his computer doing nothing and just sitting on a weird website he did not. He tried to talk like when my uncle was talking. we do not want to work with him at all and don’t want like those kind of people because he wasn’t working and we just didn’t like the way he acted We want it we wanted to work with other workers and they made us appointment and they said come back later
March 2024 by Ty
Worst service wake up please
February 2024 by kiran s
Not very helpful branch compared to the other branch in the same location. I would definitely avoid this branch for any work related to your account.
February 2024 by Nathan B.
Great experience
September 2023 by Brad Kelley
The employees here are certified in mental health training. They took it upon themselves to call a fraud investigator, because... according to their psychiatric training, they deemed her as unable to take care of herself. They froze her account. Now my mother can't pay any of her bills Do you really wanna do business with someone that wouldn't let an elderly woman buy groceries?
August 2023 by Abduvohid Fayziev
Not service for asain guys
July 2023 by Dastan Bekenov
hire people who can work
Always kindly, i love place
October 2022 by Pallavi Reddimalla (Pallavi)
Long lines inside the bank.. only two people at the counter. Had been already 15 mins in the line and it didn’t move at all.
September 2022 by Ugiloy Kodirova
Worst bank ever. Very bad experience I am going to close my account soon.
February 2022 by Shepard W
I withdrew more money from my account than most people make in a year as a cashier's check and they didnt ask for ID!!! Makes me not want use chase if they are that unsecure and frivolous with customers money.
January 2022 by Stephanie Murphy
As a business owner, it pains me to write a bad review about another business HOWEVER my experience with this Chase branch and Chase Corporate in general - was so horribly frustrating I would like to save other small business owners (and other personal bankers) from having a similar experience.To the positive, the branch manager, John Cook was kind and did the best he could to solve my issue. He had nice follow-up and genuinely went to bat for me.To the negative - literally everything else was abysmal.At the onset, Chase had an internal failure uploading my business documents (of which I was unaware) and rather than reaching out to me via email, phone call, or text (logical choices given they had all of my personal information) they apparently sent a letter our home address requesting authentication. This letter was never received by us.Chase could have simply gone to the Secretary of State (Ohio) to validate my business. However, rather than doing so, Chase flagged the account as fraud and held my deposited check for 6 weeks. The situation was resolved (by me) only after countless hours of back-and-forth communication both with the branch (thank you again to John Cook) and the corporate escalations team - who's multiple process failures resulted in extreme delays.I highly caution those considering opening a small business account with Chase Bank and particularly this branch to consider otherwise. HIGHLY CAUTION. If you need evidence....try calling the branch handful of times - and see how often you get their automated recording. It should have been my first warning.Best of luck to all.
August 2021 by Ky1eB513
So I've been here multiple times trying to open a bank account and every time they tell me, and I quote " unfortunately there's only one person to help you with that, and I'm the person, but im booked all day and tomorrow" as they are standing around, having two people help one person..they didn't seem to busy, and I'm standing there ready to open it, but your excuse is your booked, I think there's a higher power forcing me away from this place at this point...