Smitty's Truck & Auto
Auto Repair10304 US-23, Lucasville OH 45648 Hours
Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.
Most Recent Reviews
January 2023
Well I had a break problem, and even with the holiday' s in full swing. They got me in and out with in a few hrs. And with a reasonable price. And the had the wood stove nice and warm it was very inviting to step in out of the cold. Good friendly and fast service. With excellent work.
January 2023
Well I had a break problem, and even with the holiday' s in full swing. They got me in and out with in a few hrs. And with a reasonable price. And the had the wood stove nice and warm it was very inviting to step in out of the cold. Good friendly and fast service. With excellent work.
October 2020
Very active and knowledgeable repair shop. They can fix whatever issues you may have. Reasonable pricing. Great conversation.
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About Smitty's Truck & Auto
full line auto repair & sales . oil changes, brakes,shocks-struts, alignments ,tire sales ,stock & custom exhaust ,full a/c service & repair also offer truck & autos for sale!
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