“This is a delightful historic home of a former merchant and musician from this area. They are currently having a Christmas tree contest and it's filled with all styles of decorated and beautiful trees. The front parlor has a large grand piano. Most of the home has been updated and it is a work in progress. They don't plan to modernize it. It has old hard wood floors and high ceilings. The area yard has sidewalks of old brick surrounded by the formerly fashionable iron fencing. It is like stepping back in time to do a short walk through. Personally, it reminded me of the historic home in Annapolis, MD without all the plush furnishings. Hours are posted and limited with volunteer staffing. There is a tiny kitchen in the rear, working bathrooms toward the front.You need to use street parking, which has no cost, and it doesn't take long to see things as they once were having stepped inside. You can rent the facility by the hour or for the day. There are a few serving tables and a host could easily add in their own tables and chairs for a group meeting.”
“Nice store for saleing new and used items to buy food for the community. Staff are nice Christian people. Pls support. I try and post new items pictures weekely on face book. Learningthebiblethroughsharing”