November 2023 by marjeanne fisher
looks like it maybe trying to make a come back
September 2023 by pedro campos
Love it ? ? my favorite place .
August 2023 by Mi Amore
We Honor "Our Holy Blessed Mother Mary", On "The FeastOf The Assumption"."Hail Mary!"
May 2023 by Edwin BERINYUY
I attended holy Mass on Sunday and it was awesome ?
March 2023 by Robert Boehm
The fish fry was very delicious.
February 2023 by Bruce Murphy
Wonderful community. I always enjoy my time here.
January 2023 by Sherri Iannacchione
Easy to find. Plenty of parking.
January 2023 by Ana Braam
I like the priest but I don't like the building. Too bare and simple for a Catholic church.
June 2022 by Allison A.
A little backstory for you: I was invited to an event consisting of attending church + breakfast afterwards. I am cuckoo bananas for breakfast, and upon seeing this my stomach hijacked my brain and made me rsvp yes despite the fact that I haven't been to church since I was 5. To solve this predicament I recruited my catholic friends to teach me their ways, and invited my dad (a good catholic) to come along. The event was not at this church but I didn't feel like reviewing the one I attended so get off my case. Needless to say, my friends failed me. Anyhoo back to the program:I entered the church 4 minutes before mass started. I spotted the little bowl of water I'd been warned about and watched as my dad did the forehead chest tap thing (FCTT) (I have later learned it is the sign of the cross but I'm sticking with my abbreviation). I knew this was my moment to do as I had practiced, but I froze like a deer in headlights and scampered away like a mouse, running from my sin. I prayed to God that he wasn't watching, which I thought defeated the purpose of my prayer, and is a plot hole in Christianity they need to patch up. Before we entered our seats (which people called a pew, kinda like the sound you make when you shoot a finger gun) my dad kneeled down with no warning and I feared the power of Christ had taken over his conscious. But then he did the FCTT, got up, and looked at me as if to follow. But once again I stood there stupefied and just sat down. What ensued was an hour of standing up and sitting down between songs like a game of stationary musical chairs. As the mass started, with no warning they started a song, and everyone flipped to a page and began singing faster than you could say "God bless you" (which for me is .46 seconds). I stood there assessing my options. I could just keep my mouth shut and accept my ignorance, hum silently and sway to the beat, try and sing the words a second after they said them, or just move my mouth to fool everyone into thinking I was hip to the catholic tunes and that I listen to the catholic top 40 countdown on the radio while helping the children. I chose the last option. This was harder than I anticipated because in between songs, people would chant words in unison without being prompted. The priest would be talking then out of no where a rumble of voices murmuring "THE HOLY SPIRIT" would come out of nowhere. No cue cards or nothing. 96% of the time I couldn't understand what they were saying because they would mutter everything. The only one I could understand was when the pastor would pray for someone (most often named James) and then we would all go "lord hear our prayer". Piece of advice: if you want Him to hear your prayer, then stop mumbling. PRONUNCIATE PEOPLE!Only one time were we prompted to do the FCTT, and I messed it up. Personally I would benefit from a warning 30 seconds before so I have time to stretch, do a few practice runs, and do some visualization of me successfully doing it. Another time I thought we were doing it and I scrambled to get in position, but instead we were just placing our thumbs on our foreheads, and I messed up so bad my dad started laughing at me. In addition, I was not a fan of when we had to shake other peoples hands as they said "God be with you" and I mumbled "ok" or "back at ya." As we neared the end of the hour, I secretly hoped they would forget about communion, but sure enough they remembered and I awkwardly sat there as my own father left me. I considered going, but seeing how much I had goofed up all day long, I decided it would be too risky, which meant that the 10 minutes I spent the night before practicing in the mirror had gone to waste. While I was left alone in the pew, I realized that I should have come on crutches, as a nifty excuse not to take communion. But it was too late. It was even more awkward when I had to get up to let the people back in the aisle, and they acted overly nice about it, but I could feel their judgements. Overal
January 2022 by Kyle
After growing up at Sacred Heart with Father Tharp it is difficult for any other church to compare. I've learned a lot here and always love coming back for a mass. It isn't the most extravagant or beautiful old church, but it's comfortable and feels like home.
January 2022 by Sharon Stahl
Love my home Church!!!
January 2022 by Mary Hauser
I was only there to pick up my great granddaughter .
January 2022 by Mark Lowrance
Great people and very friendly and very clean
January 2022 by dan archdeacon
Great parish, love Father Tharp!
January 2022 by darla Bokeno
Great place to worship. Love Father Tharp, his homilies really connect