October 2023 by Jonathan Sprauer
I would like some information on how to become a member please.
January 2022 by James Baker
Always enjoy a range day. The range is always kept in good condition. This is a private club and as I usually shoot pistols, there is a rifle range up to 200 yards. The only problem is that the range floods during times of heavy rain.
January 2020 by Larry Kosbab
the people there are great.
December 2019 by A Younker
Great place, could use a dedicated pistol range.
October 2019 by Lawrence C. Kosbab
Great place to target shoot.
May 2019 by Andrew Younker
Great place, could use a dedicated pistol range.
December 2018 by george geoffry
Trap. On wed evening. Had a great time.
July 2018 by Geoff McIntyre
Nice, comfortable, friendly group!
December 2017 by Chuck V
Private trap and gun range. Great people and reasonable dues.
June 2017 by Chuck Vogelbacher
Private trap and gun range. Great people and reasonable dues.