“The movie theater in the mall, the burger shop inside, and The Last Man Standing are the only good reasons why you should go here. (Honestly check those places out, totally worth it.)
Do you remember the scene from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, where Gimili and the others walk into Moria and they state that Moria is a tomb? Yeah.... This mall is kinda like that for the most part, but dang it does have a few really good places in it!”
“The movie theater in the mall, the burger shop inside, and The Last Man Standing are the only good reasons why you should go here. (Honestly check those places out, totally worth it.)
Do you remember the scene from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, where Gimili and the others walk into Moria and they state that Moria is a tomb? Yeah.... This mall is kinda like that for the most part, but dang it does have a few really good places in it!”