Ted's Auto Services Center
Auto Repair,
Body ShopsHours:
6316 Harvard Ave, Cleveland OH 44105 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
September 2024
The worst car experience I’ve ever had, my car left with more damage than when I took it there which is unfortunate. On top of being heavily overcharged. 0/10 experience.
October 2023
I have going to Ted's for years. I believe that their prices are reasonable. They are accommodating in my toughest times. My only issue is that they are never done at the time they said would be. Overall, good place for those that are on a budget.
April 2023
My first experience was cool but this time he seem to take to long to do what they suppose to or they put your car last shouldn’t have to pay anything until work is done don’t use them I will never use them again and they customer service is garbage
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