Litter One
Pet Stores
792 Washington Ave, Chillicothe OH 45601
From Litter One
Based in Chillicothe, Ohio, Litter One provides a 100% biodegradable, all inclusive cat litter maintenance kit. All you do is open the box, put a few tabs in place, and set it out for your cat to use. When your cat urinates on the pellets they turn to sawdust and fall through the patented false floor. When 4-6 weeks has passed, you put the kit in the trash bin. As a cat lover, Founder Natalie Robbins, didn't want her feline friends to be subjected to harsh chemicals. After deciding there needed to be an easier, more environmentally way to take care of her cats' litter care needs, she developed Litter One. Check us out on Chewy, Amazon and The Grommet!
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