September 2019 by D H
This company is unscrupulous. They interviewed me in March and offered me a job, which I accepted, for a position as case manager/customer service in their pharmacy call center. Then strung me along for 5 months before telling me I was no longer wanted. The job was supposed to start in March. This is a new company, so they were uncertain of the exact start date, as they were working on getting things up and running with regulations, equipment, staffing, and so fort. Each month I would get a call with a new extended start date. On June 10th I attended a meet and greet for new employees to learn more about their company, tour the facility, and meet coworkers. I was told I would be paid for 3 hours but have never received it. I was given a start date of July 1st. On June 25th I filled out new hire employee paperwork. On the Friday before starting work the following Monday, I got a call informing me that the start date has changed to August 1st. Today, July 22nd, I get a call stating that they've decided that I'm not a good fit and they won't be bringing me on board. I don't know what could have happened, but it's terrible to string someone along like that. I bought all new professional clothes and shoes for this job. I can't return them because some I've worn to church, some I've taken tags off and don't have the receipt, and it's been too long to return. I would not have bought all of these clothes had I known. I only bought them for this office job. Now I have a large hole in my resume, which never looks good to future employers and makes it difficult to find work. This is also very embarrassing. I told my friends and family I was starting a great job. This company claimed to be a great employer. Excellent pay, benefits, family environment. They stressed a cohesive work environment with mutual respect given to and by each person without any bullying. They valued employee input. It was everything I ever wanted and thought I would retire from here. I was so excited to work here. I am deeply hurt, confused, and shocked. Actions speak louder than words. Family don't treat one another that way. I was given no reason why. I did not have any interactions with them to give them any reason to do this to me. I can only assume they found better candidates, maybe more experienced, younger and healthier, to cost them less in medical insurance. BEWARE. If they have no trouble treating people this way, I wouldn't trust them in any aspect of their business.