NW Tire
Auto Repair,
Tire DealersHours:
201 4th Ave SE, Mapleton ND 58059 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
November 2023
6 am delivery..2 hour unload.. tire load on floor.. in and out ...
September 2023
Very great professional, they even took me before my appointment time. I’ll definitely come back again ?
July 2023
Very great professional, they even took me before my appointment time. I’ll definitely come back again ?
More Comments(14)
About NW Tire
Established in April 1977, Northwest Tire Inc. is a leader in tires of all types for North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota. The goal at every Northwest Tire Inc. location is become your tire dealer of choice, making it easy to find a match for your vehicle or equipment. Our tire selection includes car and light truck tires, commercial truck tires, retread tires, farm tires, and industrial tires. In addition to tire sales and service, we provide factory scheduled maintenance and automotive repair to keep all your vehicles dependable. Our technicians have years of combined experience in the auto service industry to provide you with exceptional car care and customer service. Visit your nearest location today or schedule an appointment.
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