Was awesome to make it down here didn't get to see Ron or Amy but still great to get pictures and a t-shirt for me and my fiance
November 2023
Guy was nice and on point. Price was responsible and would recommend.
November 2023
you guys.should hire bernice.from south beach tow.big juicy and.bernice would get along great.cause there both tough ladies.you know bernice from south beach tow.o are you guys coming.back on tv miss you guys.there was.a rumor saying you might come back but not on trutv.
Our main office is open Monday -Friday 9 am until 530 pm Our trucks run 24/7, we use modern trucks and equipment and all drivers are thoroughly screened and tested throughout the year to ensure safety and professionalism. We specialize in private property enforcement, many times referred to as "impounds" We, However, offer the full spectrum in the towing and recovery business. We also have a gift shop on site open during office hours with Merchandise and Memorabilia.