February 2024 by Dudster T
The items here were priced way too high for donated used items. There were more quality items, not for sale collecting dust. Pictured are examples of the high prices for the used and some damaged items. Habitat is a great cause, but this store is way overpriced.
November 2023 by Courtney Jarrell
Went in on Monday, asked specifically about items I had to drop off, including furniture, they said bring it all. Two days later I loaded up my truck and showed up for them to tell me they were full and not accepting any items.
March 2023 by BrAiN YaK
Nice employees - the selection is hit or miss; you kind of have to keep up with what's in stock. You might find something amazing, and you might find nothing much. It really just depends on what you are looking for.Today there were a couple of absolutely massive sectional couches.From my experience, there always seems to be enough pretty nice tile of the same type/color to finish a large bathroom!It is definitely worth stopping by and seeing what the store is all about.
February 2023 by Elizabeth Cowles
Feeling very disappointed. I bought a $25 gallon of paint. When I opened it the paint was bad. It had hardened in the bottom and was beyond usable. I went into the store today expecting to easily exchange the paint. Nope. When I walked in and explained the "lady" at the register told me the paint is new and shouldn't be bad. An unknown man lounging on a couch nearby commented that it had never been an issue. A young guy also at the register commented that he worked with paint and it shouldn't have hardened. Okay...... I'm like "I am not making this up." They proceeded to open the paint can a attempt to poke a clothes hanger into it. Well. Guess what?!?! It was hard as a rock in the bottom. Now the "lady" states they don't do refunds. Okay, a new can of paint is fine. That was my original thought to begin with. There was not any of the same color available so I was forced to pick a different color. HOWEVER, they would not allow the new paint to be opened to ensure it was usable. Good grief. I personally do not have extra money to throw away on a bad supposedly new item. More than that I absolutely don't appreciate being treated like a criminal who is trying to get away with something. What? I don't know...... as I was looking for a paint color that I could possibly use the "lady" came and asked me when I bought the paint and if I had a receipt.....I explained it was purchased last week and SHE was the one who sold it to me! To top everything off as I was leaving the "lady" speaking loud for everyone to hear reminded me she would not make any more exchanges! My thought on that is then don't advertise something as new, sell it for $25 and get offended when someone brings colored concrete back to your store. What happened to customer service? Or just plain decency!! There are those people in the world that relish in thinking they have some sort of authority. Needless to say I will not be going back. The experience of being treated as if I were trying to do something shady is more than I can tolerate. More than I will tolerate. If there is any true management I would suggest they take a look at their employees ability or lack of ability to work with the public. Truly ridiculous.
December 2022 by Felecia Henderson
We went to the store several times but the last time we went there was an employee in the store that was carrying a large knife in his belt and I was astonished!!! He was very young and a bit scary!!! I'm appalled that it would be allowed in Habit for Humanity!!!!!!! Not appropriate for that store! OMG!
December 2022 by Alice Hardin
Great selection and we'll organized.
December 2022 by L Cardinal
This was my first time visiting this shop. They have kitchen items including glasses, mugs, plates, silverware, pots and pans. They also offer furniture. There must have been at least five sofas there. They had shelving, tables and chairs. They also had a room with appliances. I saw at least two washers and dryers as well as other small appliances like toasters. They were also selling new light bulbs and gallon and 5 gallon buckets of paint. If you haven’t been there you should check it out.
November 2022 by Mike & Brandi Lalka
Not going to be my last time coming here to dig through the many treasures that are blessed to be here , you will have to come and see for your self !
November 2022 by Tammie Owens
Some good deals
November 2022 by Matthew C. Shillings
Good selection, decent prices, friendly staff. Great thrift store
November 2022 by Wayne Mullen
I love Restore. I shop often
November 2022 by John Carcano
Love Restore, always something to find, great prices
November 2022 by Sharon
They need quality items...
November 2022 by Rita Taylor
Good store
November 2022 by Rick Brown
Rude as can be.