The feeling of accomplishment with getting your taxes done from professionals who know what they are doing is refreshing. Anything I need to know whether its informational, fun-facts, or financial education tidbits I can get it with H&R Block.
March 2023
Tax professional did an excellent job and was well knowledgeable of her job and did a great job explaining the tax return and also cared about us as a client....
August 2021
Very professional and equipped, knowledgeable and quick.l
Specialties: Self-Employed Returns, 100% Accuracy Guarantee, Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Management Consulting, Highly trained Tax Pros who are required to pass specialty tax training each year, Incorporation Advice, Injury Claims, Max Refund Guarantee, Word Processing, Per, Mor, Over 60 years of tax preparation experience, Independent Contractors, Educational Savings Plans, Personal Injuries, Divorce Issues, Asset Protection, College Funding, Data Processing, Asset Management, Estate & Probate Issues