Best service ever I will recommend this tow company anytime any day
February 2024
Lordy, this woman has been a life saver numerous times! From a flat tire to locking keys in your car or just plain needing towed, I’ll always recommend how awesome she is! Plus, who can beat a bad a$$ woman!
November 2023
This is by far the most dependable Tow Service you could ask for! I have used the service 3 times in the last year and it was perfect and very professional.
The core values that guide the Freedom Towing Team are teamwork, professionalism, and commitment. Each team member is expected to act in an honest and fair way with everyone we do business with. We provide a host of services such as; towing, winchouts, lockouts, jump starts, and tire changes. As well as other services like impounds, vehicle accidents, and fuel delivery services... Call us and tell us how we can help!