Caliber Auto Glass
Auto Repair,
Auto Parts,
Body Shops
2033 Margaret Wallace Rd, Matthews NC 28105
Most Recent Comments
May 2023
Flo and Luisa did an amazing job with taking care of my concerns and the repairs came out great!
March 2022
My daughter went there for a car repair estimate. They were quick and gave a estimate within 24 hours. Will be using them for the repairs.
January 2021
Friendly, reliable, and did a great job on my hood repair. Highly recommend their services
More Comments(6)
From Caliber Auto Glass
Get expert auto glass repair brought to you with Caliber Auto Glass mobile auto glass replacement services that come with a National Limited Lifetime Warranty. We can take care of chips, cracks, and perform windshield replacements as well as any auto glass replacement. We make it quick, easy, and handle all claim processing for you, too. Have driver-assistive safety features on your vehicle like Pedestrian Detection? We have top-of-the-line ADAS Calibration services to make sure those features are well-tuned and ready for the road.
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Matthews, North Carolina