“Manny Rivera, just because you think it's OK to compromise with reprobates, doesn't mean God sees it your way. Yes, He is a God of love, but anyone who "wanders" in to see how they are received, pretending that they have no idea that God views their lifestyle as an ABOMINATION according to how he dealt with them back in the days of Sodom and Gommarah. Yes, yes, yes, we should love their souls and pray for their salvation, but no we shouldn't welcome them amongst our young children to confuse them with their wickedness! Perhaps you should check your condition, you may have been dealt a counterfeit. The Bible says to cry aloud and spare not against that very kind of wickedness, not welcome someone with open arms that is just trying to see if they can sow confusion. Got to stand for God, no matter who is offended. Amen.”
“This is what I seek and see attending Bridges Church“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10”
“Roughly 7 months ago it was through happenstance that I came to this church and haven't been anywhere else since. Pastor Randall and his wife Linda, the congregation, all are like family... excellent music and spiritual messages that are broad enough to reach any audience and singular enough to touch your life specifically. I don't know that I've ever been in a church where guest speakers and congregation members are so welcomed by a pastor who extends Grace to any who would share their testimony.He does not feel threatened and instead welcomes the opportunity to learn and grow himself from other speakers in Christ. ?I was recently Baptized, have brought various family members with me, and plan to get more involved. I have found a new church home when I wasn't even looking!”