A1 Randy's Auto & Truck Repair
Auto Repair
9233, 963 Powell Bridge Rd, Harmony NC 28634
Most Recent Comments
July 2021
He like a doctor he ask for the symptoms of my problems I am having and Fixed them.
September 2020
Not that I disliked it cause I haven't dealt with them but when I called for service he told me he was closed down he said he had been trying to post it to his Google but couldn't
August 2019
Truck driveshaft broke at 830pm. He got me up and running by 2am. Best hands down. And he explained everything thoroughly so I actually understood.
More Comments(13)
From A1 Randy's Auto & Truck Repair
Since 1996 , A1 Randys Auto & Truck Repair has been the premier provider for truck and car repair in the Harmony area. We believe in top of the line customer service, making sure that our customers are fully satisfied with the work we do. We will not release a vehicle without all repairs being completed, we guarantee you will not have to come back to get the same repairs fixed a second time because of a mistake.
There are several services we offer including car and truck repair, welding repairs, DOT inspections, transmissions, and towing. We proudly offer a 1-year warranty on all repairs we do. We also have access to crane services if you need help with those as well.
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