December 2022 by unashia britt
Here’s my experience, My daughter started this daycare when she was about 5 months old. The daycare staff were all pretty nice for the most part. I felt that my daughter was being taken care of with no issues besides the time she had suppose to had “crawled into a baby swing that was turned on” this left a bruise on her forehead but, that’s neither here nor there. The overall operations of the daycare including the owner, thats where my negative review will focus on. Since my daughter started at the daycare, it has been three instances where the daycare will suddenly close without appropriate notice- it was always because a “parent” tested positive for Covid morning of causing the entire center to shut down same day. The third time this happened which was beginning of October, I arrived to the center preparing to drop my daughter off and another parent walks up to my car and says “ they are closed today”, that was the final straw for me. (I also had to be at work in 30 minutes, so it was no way possible to coordinate arrangements for her) I went home and called the director and expressed my concerns about this continuing to happen, before I could even get the rest of my words out to her she stopped me midway and said “ ma’am, I already know where you are headed with this and it’s not my fault a parent called 10 minutes before the center opens and tells me she test positive “ ( I was very kind to her, didn’t speech aggressive or use foul language) I listened to hear babble even though she didn’t let me speak, once she was done, I told her “ you have already told me this story the last time”, she then immediately got mad and said “ if you don’t like how I run my center, you can carry her somewhere else”, and then proceeded to hang the phone up. This was the worst daycare experience I have ever had. She spoke to me like a child, she was very nasty, rude and insensitive. If she was telling the truth or a lie, she should still give parents enough notice. Imagine headed to work and you arrive to your kids school and they are closed without notice, because again, this was the 3rd time this had happened, I knew she probably didn’t have any interest in running a daycare center. She just wants to close and still get paid. As another parent mentioned, she will collect your money and then say your child isn’t feeling well or, in my case “your daughter has runny stool” she was teething and transitioning to solid food. I had to get her doctor to write a letter saying she wasn’t sick that in fact she was teething. These are the issues I had ran into within a short period of my daughter going there. This is probably not the place you would want to send your child if you have a job and absolutely can’t afford to miss unexpected days from work because your childcare failed to send proper notice.