June 2023 by Indrajeet Ghorpade
Timing mentioned is incorrect. Store does not open at 6 am.
April 2023 by Grant Abass
Owner is a great guy. Always kind, courteous, and cares about his customers. Love the 44 oz Diet Coke haha
September 2022 by Grant Ssaba
Owner is a great guy. Always kind, courteous, and cares about his customers. Love the 44 oz Diet Coke haha
December 2021 by Bryan Shalloway
Wouldn't give paying customer tap water.
December 2020 by Caitlyn Thomson
The manager and employees at this store are excellent— they work very long hours dealing with the “challenging” atmosphere of being the only gas station/convenience store between Duke’s East Campus and downtown Durham. They are confronted daily with belligerent people including drunk students, aggressive pan-handlers, and bigots/xenophobes of many colors and backgrounds, while being polite and courteous to everyone who is not causing a problem— students who are also courteous (whether drunk or sober), homeless people who ask for money but are not aggressive when they don’t get it, and people of all races/colors/religions who don’t openly express disdain or contempt for others.
July 2019 by Parrish Griffin
This gas stations employees are the worst, the guy charged me more than what it was on the shelf. I walked back to see if it wasn't my mistake, and I was right. I let the guy know and he just rips off the price tag. Another time time I needed air but the air machine card reader wasn't working, so I let the guy know and he just insists that it is. Then he asked if I had quarters I said no all he said was sorry.
November 2018 by Jesus Christ
thought i'd post this. Almost hurricane time and look at that water bump up! deffinitely FARE not FAIR here.