May 2024 by Scott Remy
A nice clean store. All their prices are set. Tons of clothing. Some toys, books and household items. Almost no furniture.
February 2024 by shelby hughes
Well. All I can say is if you wouldn't buy it for yourself then maybe don't put it on the floor. There are better finds in your dumpsters than this!!!
October 2023 by Terry G.
Poor location, unprofessional, regularly closes 15 to 20 minutes early.
October 2023 by Candy Robinson
I have gone by there 4 times to make a donation., each time I was told we can not accept at this time because it's either " before they start accepting or after cut off " I have always taken my items there. Well after this hassell I will find some where else. I thought this place was to help families, people in need. Not sure whom is over this particular facility now, but they are not doing a very good job. Some people can not get there during " their drop off times" was never a problem before of leaving it in a bin they had for such. I work 4 jobs so getting there when she specifically wants is not an option for working people. Really disappointed with the way things are handled at this place now. Guess it's time to find another place to take things too.
September 2023 by Elizabeth W.
Goodwill has, as a whole, completely lost touch with pricing and providing clothes for those in need. When I went into this store, not only was their selection very limited, but what was there was grossly overpriced. Anything remotely brand named was priced as a "special find," whether it was stained, ripped etc. For example, boys sweatpants with the entire knee ripped out was priced at $9 because they were under armour brand. This applied to pretty much everything in their store. Those that were not named brand were still much more expensive than they should be. You're almost better off going to Walmart and target for your clothes which are close to the price of these used clothes.
September 2023 by Bayou Gypsy
Overpriced junk. Dirty and smelled.Really sad situation. Needs better management and someone to price items properly. Staying away until something positive happens at this store.
August 2023 by Blooming Flower
Great Lil Store. Can Stroll & Check Everything Out & Find Some Deals. Everyone Is So Friendly, Helpful & Professional. Gotta Love Goodwill!!
August 2023 by Ricky Godfrey
Good finds
August 2023 by jose ortiz
They don't let you use the bathroom anymore, things are very expensive.
August 2023 by Evelina Yulianova
My pup locked my car, when I was dropping donations today. Rick helped me to stay calm and called the sheriff to help me to unlock the car. I can express my gratitude enough as it meant the world to me! Thank you for your kindness, patience and support!!!!!
July 2023 by Thrift Hunter
I've tried for over 2 months now to see if this store was going to get its across together and realize they will push more product and make more money by just selling things at normal prices. Nope, they only manage to get worse in a town where blue-collar workers mainly exist. More and more "special finds" racks continue to fill the store. What a joke. You didn't find anything special goodwill it was given to you. And to put 50 dollars on a tackle box with old rubber fishing lures inside it that are useless because they have melted together is not a special find and absolutely as it has set there a month not worth 50 dollars. Better yet, what about the youth clothes section that has 7 and 10 dollars on a used t-shirt because the tag says under Armor? Or a Coca-Cola work issued shirt for 12 dollars because it says coke on it? It's becoming laughable at this point. There is a reason your store is mostly empty with people anymore. Because other thrift stores are pushing product out the door selling items at affordable prices. You should just shut the doors and stick to your ebay stores you have because that's the prices you have your items at. You set in the back smoking as we all smell it through the store and look each thing up and price it at ebay prices. Then, have the nerve to ask to round up at the register. I do not recommend either goodwill store I haywood County to anyone until they get a manager that actually wants to sell items at their normal prices a d stop this special finds joke. Shame because I truly like to support local businesses but Goodwill just has become a terrible place to find anything reasonable except absolutely stacked shelves that are overpriced.
June 2023 by Gail Jenkins
I love going to the good will store you never know what you might find. They have a little of everything
May 2023 by Brandy Hawkins
Extremely high prices. More than Asheville. Everything is a “special find” the lady moved from canton goodwill to here and moved her high prices along with it. Not a thrift store much more retail.
March 2023 by Josh Bailey
Store would not honor the sale signs that are up. Lady at the front counter is rude about the sale signs that were up and complained about her job the entire time I was in line and at the counter.
February 2023 by Trip Trackin
Was the one to go to between the two in haywood County. Unfortunately, with the manager moving from the one in canton to the one in Clyde, it is slowly but surely becoming overpriced to eBay prices. That manager has been there a week, and there are already 25 to 50 dollars on some used shoes in their "special finds rack.""" I'll stick with yard sales and wait it out until Goodwill realizes they will sell more items when people can actually afford them. With the understanding of everything in the country going up in prices, spikes of prices that high that quickly are just pure ignorance in the management team in a blue-collar working area. People go there for deals. Better off shopping online than trying the thrift stores with the lack of business knowledge of stuff that is given to them. At this point, I definitely do not recommend if you're looking for good deals