Treadmaxx - Charlotte
Auto Repair
10230 Ridge Creek Dr, Charlotte NC 28273
Most Recent Comments
June 2019
Good quality tires at a reasonable price. Let the good times roll with Treadmaxx. Any tire big or small, tractor, golf cart, semi, car, and truck. They got them all. Pick up or delivery to your shop , so make the call.
May 2018
Made a early delivery they couldn't find the appointment on there I had to wait hours before they accept a load of tires they
More Comments(7)
From Treadmaxx - Charlotte
Treadmaxx, a division of U.S. AutoForce, is a multi-brand tire distribution company providing our customers with a full array of tires for broad-market-passenger vehicles and high-performance vehicles, highway and off-road tires for light trucks, heavy-duty tires for medium commercial trucks, tires for a variety of farm equipment, as well as, OTR and industrial tires, ATV/UTV tires and golf cart tires. We also carry snow chains, tubes, and more.
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