March 2022 by Thomas White
High rated reviews are most likely form staff or visitors but certainly not the recovering service members who it is all supposed to be for.Why aren't there more medical uniformed personnel here? The Marines know nothing about medical so nearly all the medical staff are civilians who are horrifically incompetent. Just clear them out and get Navy uniformed medical in here! Now! Put a Navy medical officer in charge here ASAP!The civilian and uniformed staff require all recovering service members to take part in physical activities and sports including at least three gym workouts per week and one athletics activity. It should be obvious to the average person why the Wounded Warrior facility being hyper focused on the physical ability of recovering servicemembers is fraud waste and abuse, at best.Even if a recovering service member has conditions which prohibit physical exercise, say recovering from brain surgery, the Wounded Warrior staff will force participation with the threat of page 11, NJP, or other disciplinary measures. Even if multiple Doctors write in to the command emphasizing the ignorance in forcing a very ill or wounded person to compete in a swimming competition or relay race, the command will continue to state "while I have read the medical opinions of your doctors it is my decision to make, I choose to disregard these medical opinions. You seem fine to me." That's a real quote, for your awareness.With any resistance to physical training programs you are immediately categorized as a bad Marine and treated even worse than the already deplorable way all recovering service members are treated here.The incredible ignorance at play to justify spending so much of the Wounded Warrior budget on athletic facilities and equipment is astounding. Plus paying for personnel to attend trips all over the world which are almost exclusively participated in by the staff not recovering service members. There is this toxic mentality that all recovering service members are able to recover and return to the fleet. No exceptions are made to this mentality, even if you are suffering from a catastrophic medical condition or are terminal. They had multiple terminally ill service members who they were requiring to show up for 0800 formation every day and forcing to participate fully in their workout program.Wouldn't it be better to let those people be with their families while waiting to be out-processed form service and die? Wounded Warriors answer is no, even if you are dying you will receive bad paperwork for not participating fully in athletics and physical training.It is all you should need to know of this place that they believe it is in a dying persons best interest to be forced into workout programs, because it will help them to be in better physical shape as they die. Better to look good than to be with your family or living your life.
December 2018 by Jeff Townson
Staff is very professional and a great facility for a recovering service member.
November 2018 by Paul McGowan
Great gym with a great staff!
January 2018 by mak mik
It's very clean. They got what you need.
April 2017 by Frederick Pou
Amazing staff
December 2016 by Edward Parsons
This is a place to take care of Marines and sailors.