July 2019 by Robert Gammons
it is a great piece of art that no one in our community has ever seen. we love it.
January 2019 by Pam Gould
The colors, the leaves—beautiful gift I received for Christmas and now I’m a fan!!!
November 2018 by Tpaige Jackson
A working artist studio where my husband creates stunning leaf sculptures using real leaves. By appointment only, he's delighted to give a studio tour & if time allows grab a brew with you at Pisgah organic brewery in the same complex. (They also have root beer for the littles.)
September 2012 by LOIS B.
Okay, this was one of the new exhibitors at the Naperville Art Fair. OMG, there are no words. This man uses REAL leaves to make decorative pieces, coasters, and trivets. Each piece is an original work of art. The leaves range in size from 4-5 inches all the way up to 11 inches and larger. He will make a piece from a leaf that you provide if you are not satisfied with the ones he uses. They are grape leaves, banana leaves, maple, all sorts of leaves and the colors are absolutely fabulous. You have to check out the website for the full effect. For someone with a math and science brain, I find this work is most unusual and yes, a few pieces did come home with me. Check out the website and be amazed.