Gulliver USA New York
4.8 -
91 reviews.
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Closed Today2423 Central Park Ave, Yonkers NY 10710 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
August 2024
I needed to buy a car because I was working overseas, but even though I didn't know the procedure, they were very kind and helpful.
Everything was handled in Japanese, and I was able to understand the comparison of contracts with Japan as well as the unique American system, which I was able to understand very well.
August 2024
I live in Massachusetts. When I was selling my car, I received several estimates, but I chose Gulliver because he offered me the highest price and was flexible with my schedule. I am satisfied with the prompt response.
June 2024
I needed a car for commuting, so I was unsure of what to do as I had just moved to New York, but the person in charge, Kim, explained things to me in detail, and I was able to purchase a car with confidence.
More Comments(91)
About Gulliver USA New York
ガリバー ニューヨーク / New York 店は、スカースデールエリアのヨンカース市 Central Park Avenue(通称100号線)沿いに位置します。ニューヨークシティ近郊(マンハッタンエリア、ハリソン、ライ、ママロネック、グリニッチ エリア)と、ニュージャージー、コネチカットを含むトライステートエリアを中心に車の買取と販売とを対応しております。その他にもアップステートと呼ばれるニューヨーク州北部、ペンシルバニア州、マサチューセッツ州、デラウェア州、ワシントンDC、バージニア州、ロードアイランド州へのサービスも行っております。Zoomでのオンラインサービスも提供しておりますで来店不要で販売、査定どちらのコンサルテーションも行っておりますので是非お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
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