J's Auto Inc
Auto Repair,
Body Shops,
1218 Erie St, Utica NY 13502 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
July 2024
J's is the BEST hands down, ? When you had a Lockout J's will send out a skilled technician to get the job done with care and If another problem arise at the same time it's no problem J's IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE and His PRICES are CRAZY REASONABLE I AM TEAM J's,???????
January 2024
Great guy. Great employees.. Great experience! Helped me out with no questions!!!
December 2023
Jimmy is always available to speak with and always on our side. He fought for us through out our journey with our insurance company.
More Comments(32)
About J's Auto Inc
Taking your car to a reputable mechanic and auto body shop will ensure that it runs well. It's important to get repairs as soon as you need them to prevent bigger issues from occurring. Trust J's Auto Inc. as your auto repair shop in Utica, NY. If you're ever involved in an accident, we can tow your vehicle and repair it if possible. We also sell previously owned Subarus at our dealership. When you're in the market for a new-to-you car, browse our inventory. Visit our location today for excellent customer service.
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