Took a bit longer to get my machine back due to parts delay. But over all great service
September 2023
A long time Staten Island small engine repair, sales and parts business. Businesses like this have been here for a long time because of their service and dedication. I always buy my lawnmower, chainsaw and trimmer parts here.
September 2023
Establishment been in business for a very long time, very knowledgeable staff and a large inventory.
TrimaLawn Equipment is an outdoor power equipment service located in Staten Island, New York since 1963. We provide sales, repair services, and parts for all of our outdoor power equipment. We offer snowblowers, chainsaws, tractors, lawnmowers, string trimmers, blowers, and generators, with a range of gas, diesel, and battery-operated equipment. We've worked with numerous clients, including governments, municipalities, and numerous commercial and residential customers.