April 2023 by Elise C.
This is a great organization that helps people get free from addictions! I highly recommend Renovation House, their leadership is compassionate and loving.
August 2022 by Shaune Moseley
This place has changed my life and many others as well. The fruit here is definitely the works of the Lord.
September 2021 by Deby Laughlin
I love this ministry. It is a safe place to be and a great environment to grow in relationship with God! I love that it is run like a discipleship training school or Bible school and not like a typical rehab. The leadership cares so much about their students and it shows. The amount of dedication they give to this ministry is like something I have rarely ever seen! If you are looking for a place to go to overcome addiction, Renovation House is a great place to do it!
September 2021 by Zaan Parsons
Renovation house has been my home for the last 2 years and I plan on staying. God is on this mountain. The staff members and every student that comes through the program is my family. They took me in when I need to be loved and they loved me. I have gotten so much healing from being here and have made amazing relationships.It is on some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen and the presence of God is just so tangible on this property. It’s my most favorite place in this world!!If you are considering a journey to sober life please Choose Renovation House I can promise you, God will get ahold of you here!
September 2021 by Bruce Doran
Amazing place…amazing people. This home for recovery is the place you want your loved one to come if you are looking for a non drug environment for real healing.What a treasure for me, and a treasure for anyone looking for Godly healing.
September 2021 by Christopher Makar
I have been to a variety of treatment centers and psychiatric facilities over the course of my 47 years. Renovation House has been the only place that I have been to that addressed the deeper spiritual, emotional, and psychological needs that no pill, psychiatrist, or therapist could ever fulfill. It was only through a saving faith in Jesus Christ, followed by a transformative encounter with Him that truly satisfied the terrible vacancy I felt within my heart, allowing for the possibility of true healing. Pastor Earley and his staff at Renovation House provide the foundation to make the miracle of transformation possible in the lives of men and women who are hopelessly bound to life-controlling habits and behaviors.
September 2021 by Meagan New
Worse place you can go. My sister went for not even a week and the lady’s who “run” this place were absolutely rude to her. When she left she had to leave all her belongings behind and contact them later for her to get them to ship them back to us. As soon as she made it home she and my dad tried to contact them almost everyday and nobody would answer the phone or voicemails so we can get my sisters belonging. Found out they gave everything my sister had took away (she took 5 big bags of items) including photos from over the years and her stuff animal she had since she was a baby that my mom got her (ps my mom is no longer with us so this hurts that we won’t get that back) we are trying to find out what exactly they did with the stuff to hopefully get something back and nobody will will answer us. This place is in it for the money and that’s all.
March 2020 by adrian roche
Renovation House Spencer has changed my life forever. Before entering in I was homeless, lost my fiancee and step children due to my addiction from alcoholism. The moment I walked through the doors of Renovation House of Spencer Pastor John Earley and his staff made me feel right at home. They helped me tremendously through counseling, through the classes and through the environment Pastor John cultivates in Spencer. It is a safe environment where the the Gospel of God is teached. The teachers are excellent. I recommend anybody struggling with life controlling issues to reach out to Renovation House. Today I am free from the addiction of Alcohol. My family is very pleased and I am serving full time in our brother program in Perth Amboy NJ.
May 2019 by laurau austen
Renovation House has been the answer to this mother’s prayers. For the last two plus years I have watched my son struggle with drug addiction. His life was torn apart and there was nothing I could do to save him . I watched him drown in the horrific toll that heroin and other drugs took.
May 2019 by Alene
Sadly, a one-star review. I'll copy here some of the review I left on Yelp, as I want people who are searching to have at least as much information as possible:
March 2019 by Alene S.
I hope this is review is useful to people seeking help. This is for the Renovation House in Spencer, and is not a review of the New Jersey Renovation House which I think is run by a man who has more experience. I helped a friend to enter RH in Spencer last fall--it was a $1,000 entry, and after the first month $400 per. All of this was very acceptable, and I was assured by the Reverend John Early that he was prepared to take in this individual who suffered from years of homelessness, mental illness, and addiction. My friend had been studying Christianity and the Bible for years, and considered himself reborn, and he entered the program with an open heart though he is shy and was afraid. We were asked that he be off of medication, so he went off his meds as asked. I accompanied him to the House, and he was being perfectly sweet until his first meeting with John Early. After that he was completely shut down (he is a great judge of character) and actually after I had a chance to meet John Early in that hour, I was worried--the Reverend talked a lot about himself and his accomplishments and his beautiful family, etc., and seemed to love to be in charge of "his men," but I didn't feel actual strong leadership or warmth. And yet I trusted. My friend made it almost 2 months. I think the House is successful with a lot of people, but my friend did not trust John Early, who in fact was in his face about not having a great attitude from the start, and had even called me less than 24 hours after I'd left and let me know he was going to kick him out for being shut down, but that he'd put my thousand dollars toward someone who really wanted to be there. I was horrified that I'd thought this man might have a heart. Days before Christmas I got a call from my friend, who as terrified--John Early had decided to let him go, and they were going to put him on a bus to Boston. At night, in the cold, period. My friend does not even carry a cellphone, and keep in mind that he no longer had his psyche meds with him. I got on the phone with John Early who let me know that my friend didn't like him and that this was going to ruin his Christmas dinner at the House, and that he saw no problem with sending him off on a bus, that they had "tried everything." I asked him why he hadn't called me, the advocate, who could at least have helped, but this man is not they type of "leader" who thinks others have useful abilities. He let me know more than once that I was naive, and that some people can't be helped. That doesn't mean they should be sent off like trash, however, and certain complete destruction. I never would have been so upset if he had reached out and helped me ease my friend out of there--I knew there was not a guarantee of his being helped. He did not relapse in his time there, and neither was he violent, but he did not trust the director and in the end, he was proven absolutely correct. I managed to make the day-long drive out there and, I suppose because they didn't want me to show up at the House upset, they had put him into a motel in the middle of Ithaca NY for one night, with no way to pay for another night. I called ahead and paid for another night. Drug users everywhere around this hotel, which I saw by the time I'd arrived. No matter the good this man may do for many people, I do hope he is judged by this act of total disregard for a vulnerable young man. And I hope that if you are reading this and thinking of helping someone into one of the many fine Christian programs that are available, I suggest you go for one with a strong track record and ability to stand behind their promises, but even more, if you or the person you love is truly complex, do not assume that John Early is the leader he told me that he is. He is not, and I will be forever sorry to have been someone who set my young friend on a backwards course rather than the forward one I'd sought for him. He is deeply damaged by this "Reverend's" final act. Meanwhile, blessing a