March 2020 by Rosie Arthur
Nnever had a problem at any Trustco Bank been with them for years.
April 2019 by Michael Davidson
The folks who work at this bank are great. The branch manager, Phil, is very nice and very helpful as are the tellers. I give a full 5 stars to them. Unfortunately, I feel like I need to remoce a couple of stars due to the lobby ATM. If you try to use the ATM after hours be aware that the door that opens and closes automatically takes a very long time to close behind you. It makes it very easy for someone to rush in behind you and rob you. While this area is safe it is still a potential issue
August 2018 by Savannah Ashbrook
I wouldn't bank in either location. Theres an employee in a higher position who has been bragging in a Facebook group about breeching customer privacy.
February 2017 by Mark Presher
An amazing Hometown Bank. The staff is fast and friendly.