Green's Auto Repair
Auto Repair
23 E Orvis St, Massena NY 13662
Most Recent Comments
February 2020
Purchased a Dodge ram from them, They were friendly and respectful. Negotiated a price for it that we both agreed on. They fixed all issues with the truck. They even gave a free oil change wich I did not expect before I took it home. Definitely would purchase another vehicle from them. Thank you very much Greens Auto Sales....
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September 2018
They are affordable with great service. Great people to have working on your vehicle.
April 2018
Many times I had something go wrong with My truck after they have closed for the day I called Bruce and told what was going on and he would tell me come down and he would take a look at and stay to fix my truck couldn't be any happier with them
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From Green's Auto Repair
Green's Auto Repair specializes in automotive repair and diagnostics. $50/HR Labor rate on most repairs and $18.99 Synthetic Blend Oil Changes.
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