June 2022 by bob allenand
i worked for him in 1986 and i cant believe hes still in business very pushy and doesnt have any customer service skills with to his customers or employees. john real name is barry.
March 2020 by Brown Stone
Obena is a great company to do business with. We are a local company that places orders with John and are very appreciative with the fast delivery and kind interactions. I highly recommend Obena for your office and supply needs.
February 2019 by Victor Hugo
Company/John continues to call us despite repeated requests to take us off their list. Not a good way to do business.
September 2018 by Debra Hansen
have told them no many many times and they call and call and call - grrrrr
August 2018 by Deb H.
I don't know how we got on the call list but in the beginning I was willing to listen but we never bought anything and finally, I've been telling John that we're not interested. He calls yet again today and I tell him we're not interested and he says "well you should be" - done with it! STOP CALLING
September 2017 by Michael Apfelbaum
Great company to do business with! John has been great and they are quick and reliable! Will continue to use them as my supplier of office supplies! :)
September 2017 by Peter Petino
This company is less than Staples and on par with any online suppler
September 2017 by Law Office of Barry C. Schneps
They are an amazing company