September 2024 by Ben Martin
Awesome pharmacy!
June 2024 by William Emmons
Great service.. specializes in Medicare prescription.. very pleased with the service!
October 2023 by Timothy Wilson
Call and feel like an absolute idiot because the man on the other end seems to be annoyed with questions from a concerned customer. Not to mention the fact that they can’t even fill a prescription for a medication that’s NEEDED for anxiety and depression. Whoever the man is who answered the phone this morning is incompetent and needs to be retrained in handling customers concerns without seeming bothered.
January 2023 by Kate Reynolds
Always helpful, and kind
May 2021 by chris lorensen
Got my covid-19. Shots there, excellent service and no issues with exposure during the process.. much better than my attemps at ny popup sites that had 100 people jammed into a space that no room to distance and no control over mask wearing
February 2021 by Kraftsi Beads
There is one male pharmacist a tall Indian man with glasses! That works on weekends!This will be turning him into the state and fileing a complaint for the 2nd time and find out what happened with the first report I made! I suffer from a few problems and staying sober from alcohol is one of them if you are recovering and on medication and need to have your meds when your out I wouldn’t come here to pick them up! This man is completely unprofessional lies about the insurance and I will be filing another complaint
January 2021 by Marissa L
Better than Walgreens!
October 2020 by Jay Waschak
There is a pharmacist that refuses to fill perceptions forcing me to be totally out of my medications before refilling! Blaming my insurance won’t let it go threw! Today I spent two hours on the phone with my insurance to learn that this is not true that my perceptions can be filled up to one day early so this pharmacist is blatantly lieing! My insurance told me to get the pharmacist number and store number and report it to the state and I been dealing with this for months with this one pharmacist! I have ADHD a and anxiety and to no that I’m totally out of my meds causes me bad anxiety and I take my meds at 5am before I go to work but since I can not pick them up the day my doctor refills them and calls them in for me I’m am forced to take the day off from work to go get my meds! By 8 already 24 hours passed my last dose and in the beginning stages of withdrawal the very thing my doctor is trying to prevent from happening I go threw this every 2 weeks because of this pharmacist! I will be contacting the state and I will be filing a report against the pharmacist and they will be looking into the store and what he has been doing! To cause such harm to someone and to completely lie and refuse to fill a medication the day it’s due is wrong! I totally can see if there was an issue or if I was asking for it early but I’m not! And I was told by my insurance I can have my medicine up to 1-2 days early in circumstances! So think before you go here you may have to file a report your self because this man dose not no the law!
June 2020 by Qman
Was driving through the area from Texas on my way out to the family cabin higher up in the mountains. Because the cabin is around two hours to get to the nearest pharmacy, I asked my doctor if they could send an electronic Rx in early so I could pick up on my way to the cabin and not have to try and make the drive later in the week.Some male pharmacist answered the phone after my doctor sent the Rx and proceeded to tell me that they couldn’t fill the script because “federal law says they can only fill schedule II on the exact date it is due” and that “my doctor couldn’t approve an early refill”. Nonetheless I had my doctor call and say they approved an early refill for me (hence why they sent the script). But this pharmacist continued to say no. To be clear, federal law allows you to fill a schedule II 2-3 days early AND on a few occasions over the last decade I’ve been allowed to refill early due to circumstances that my doctor was fully aware of.It’s very clear this pharmacist is quite arrogant and either chose to lie about the law because he was afraid to just say he was uncomfortable filling a Rx early OR flat out does not know federal law.Either way, terrible customer service and concerning that a pharmacist either chose to openly lie about federal law or does not know the actual laws. So at my expense of time and money, I’ll be having to take several hours out of my day later this week to get a prescription that should have just been filled from the start.
May 2020 by Quinton Teter
Was driving through the area from Texas on my way out to the family cabin higher up in the mountains. Because the cabin is around two hours to get to the nearest pharmacy, I asked my doctor if they could send an electronic Rx in early so I could pick up on my way to the cabin and not have to try and make the drive later in the week.