Smells good. I know it’s for ticks, but it also seems to work decently well on mosquitos and other small biting insects.
October 2021
Awesome. We have used lots of different all natural repellents, both mosquito and tick. This one is good, quality stuff. Our new go to. Not a cheap product, a high-end tick repellent.
Tick Proof is the world's strongest tick repellent, crafted with a premium five essential oil blend, handmade in small batches in upstate New York. Tick Proof is an all-natural product that stops the bite of the most dangerous ticks in America, including the black-legged tick, Lone Star tick, Brown dog tick, American dog tick, Rocky Mountain wood tick, and more. Tick Proof tick repellent protects against Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, tick paralysis, Heartland virus, Powassan virus, and all other threats. Safeguard yourself, family, friends and neighbors from the threat of dangerous tick-borne sicknesses and diseases with Tick Proof, a made-in-U.S.A. product that works.