October 2023 by nutleysigns frank
Great squirrel contest. Squirrel pot pie is my favorite
March 2023 by Maryjane Chilinski
Very friendly and well organized!
March 2023 by monica reynolds
Pathetic humans that find enjoyment from shooting squirrels. Boycott ....let everyone know how cruel these people are ...It is disgusting!
February 2023 by iam yoda
Real men and sports do not need to kill animals. Pathetic cowardly "people" who can't find a hobby or think for themselves
December 2021 by Surfer Rosa37
Disappointed in their lack of sportsmanship.
March 2021 by William Virden
Great organization!!
March 2021 by Alma Körte
Such a disgusting place. Burn it down
March 2021 by Shawn Dougherty
Great people who support family fun and the community.
March 2021 by Al Martino
Killing squirrels for fun doesn't make you a "sportsman." It makes you a heartless, ignorant piece of crap with too much time on your hands. Do something productive with your life for God's sake. How pathetic.
March 2021 by ERIN LUKOS
These people are disgusting, they tell you to kill wildlife for fun and cash prizes! DISGUSTING..
March 2021 by Lindsey Saylo
Awful people! Do not recommend!
March 2021 by Surfer Rosa 83
Disappointed in their lack of sportsmanship.
February 2021 by Nelson Johnson
Beyond ignorant for teaching children to kill animals for entertainment & rewards. Hosting wildlife killing contests to encourage children & young adults to kill the biggest & healthiest animals for . Desensitizing children to animal abuse, cruelty & killing. Such a huge disconnect & disrespect from other living beings on this planet. The barbarity, bloodthirstiness, viciousness & savagery of this group is frightening!!!!!
February 2021 by Rachel Fauna
Gross and disturbing club. Obsessed with killing animals—even squirrels which is ridiculous and unnecessary. They’re having a squirrel scramble for cash prizes, so it’s clear they’ll do anything to bring in money which they are apparently desperate for. Don’t waste your time or money becoming a member of this club.
July 2019 by LPS Isabella
Great place for you sons if they like fishing or hunting