August 2010 by A C.
Very bad. This auction house does not draw much of a crowd. Auctions are held in someone's backyard. They sell off shabby tables with no coverage to the elements. In person, the place looks totally different than the photo on their website. I consigned some nice merchandise to be auctioned there in August of 2010. When they sent payment, much of my merchandise was not listed as sold. This included furniture items that could not have been missed. I called several times, but my calls were not returned. They finally picked up their phone once, then took their phone off the hook! I don't know many businesses that would take their phone off the hook on an auction day during regular business hours. I wondered how often they hide out like this from upset customers? So, all in all, I lost a good portion of the merchandise I consigned and received no payment. In my opinion based on my experience, this is an unprofessional business to be avoided at all costs.