This is a really fun place. With free art exhibition and classes and workshops. A lab and darkroom to use.
June 2021
You can walk up to and see or even buy! A Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Duane Michael’s, or Carrie Mae Weems. Right here in the heart of Buffalo! And they have great educational programs too. It is the ONLY Art/photo center of its kind in Buffalo.
February 2021
Smh. Why did it take me so long to check out this amazing art space. The basement gallery downstairs was a pleasant surprise. And we were lucky to catch the artist talk. It's very clear that this place and the people behind it are very special. We booked our visit online, in advance.
CEPA Gallery advances the exploration of photography and contemporary visual art in order to nurture creativity, stimulate discourse and encourage active learning. Accessible by public transit, CEPA provides unparalleled public access to internationally acclaimed exhibitions, professional workshops, 10 Apple computers equipped with Adobe Software, a fully stocked B&W darkroom, extensive resource library and digital print lab.