Best prices for everything, good quality, good service
May 2024
Looking for a good deal? You can definitely find what you're looking for at a low price. However, it might come at the cost of quality. Keep that in mind as you search for the perfect item!
December 2023
You can find jist about anything you need in this store. Especially great for Christmas decor
Your neighborhood discount store for more than 40 years. Household products, clothing, toys & more from your favorite brands at the LOWEST prices. Shop your favorite brands such as, Crest, Colgate, Johnson+Johnson, Bic, Crayola, Champion, Clorox, Duracell, Energizer, Five Star, Hamilton Beach, Hanes, Hasbro, Hershey, Levis, Mattel, Nestle, Palmolive, Procter & Gamble, Paper Mate, Rubbermaid. Sterilite, Tide, Unilever and more!