LaSorsa Chevrolet Parts Center
Auto Parts
3545 Webster Ave, Bronx NY 10467
7:30AM - 5:30PM
Most Recent Reviews
December 2021
I've been with La Sorsa for many years. I see them as family who usually provides good n honest service. My same mechanic which I also luv n knows my car we. Hope they stick around.
December 2021
Great dealer before and after you buy your car. They take care of you.
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About LaSorsa Chevrolet Parts Center
The killer performance you've come to love from your Chevrolet is only possible thanks to quality OEM parts. Cheap aftermarket parts can suffer from variable quality and expensive installation, two problems that OEM parts don't have.
We at LaSorsa Chevrolet want you to cruise with your Chevrolet for a long time — that's why we carry a huge selection of quality OEM parts in Bronx, NY. From brake pads to fuel injectors, all of our parts are tailored to fit your vehicle just as the manufacturer intended. Don't worry about walking out empty handed — we can always order what we don't have in-store.
Discuss your vehicle needs with us in Bronx, NY. We're available by phone if you need to place an order.
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