June 2023 by Keith K.
I have done business with this company for many years and may not continue this upcoming year. I have been calling for an update on the latest round of rebates and have not gotten any information besides a note left on the counter stating customers would have to wait 7-10 days as a different company is printing/mailing the tax office our checks. The phone issue is my biggest problem with the company though.
February 2021 by Ulysses Miles
My tax preparer did a lousy job and didn’t give me an deductions but instead caused me to owe taxes, go elsewhere!
January 2021 by Solar Naaťai Yił Sizí
I've been doing business with this location in Farmington for 4 years now. Today ALL I WANTED was to find out if my federal stimulus was sent to them like the 1st stimulus. The lady who answered was very rude. She gets pissed off. She says something to other coworkers about my call. Then she sighs while getting my info. She reveals yes I got a check and its gona be mailed out to me. I tell her Oh wow, thank you. She hangs up on me.
January 2020 by Rozy V.
I went there today. I walk up to the counter and I said hi, she didn't say hi back and I took out my stuff for them to inspect. She rudely asked for personal info. I rattled it off quickly. Shoved my id back at me. And when signing docs, she snapped at me, "is something wrong?!" I'm like, ok, I'm kinda getting a hostile vibe from her throughout the whole transaction. I do not like this biotch. Will report her to super tomorrow.
February 2019 by Harris Begay
hell nah. do ur own taxes people