November 2023 by S Kelly Smith
Provides service and aide to Transgendered people. Also. Needle exchange that offers service to anyone. Hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1pm to 6pm. Needle exchange 1pm to 5pm.
October 2023 by Ryan W
Happy to know this place exists! I stopped by with some donations and everyone was friendly and helpful. ?
July 2023 by Alexis Kaye
They don't care about the trans community. They have a f-ing needle exchange on site knowing full well drugs are the leading cause of trans & cis overdoses, causing violence among the girls that come here for resources; to top it off they're constantly losing, trashing, or maybe even selling these clients legal documents like birth certificates & social security cards. This place needs to be investigated. They have clients who shoot up in restrooms & smoke meth on site, & passing alcoholic beverages to one another. This is just a safe space to do criminal activity.
July 2023 by Angela Green
I have tried multiple times to get ahold of them since I moved here I wish they could return a call.
May 2023 by Kei
This review is only for their on-site counselor. The onsite counselor is the only licensed therapist in the city of Albuquerque willing to make a report about abuse or crimes happening to you. If you're in this situation, do not come here unless you're willing to risk police involvement. You don't get a say in what happens once you speak to their onsite counselor. Don't go there, there are NM crises lines that are peer-ran and those are much safer to talk to than this person. 988 isn't safe, they send the police to your house and put you in handcuffs.
May 2023 by Luka
I work nearby and used to frequent the drop in center for help. Recently we've gotten a lot unsheltered folks, both trans and cis, complaining about how they were treated here. One of the most recent things told was that the staff and the director at the center refused to help a woman who was having what seemed to be either seizure or brain aneurysm and refused to call an ambulance because she "didn't ask for help" and left her on the floor to writhe in pain. They even kicked out a trans woman who was there because she "interfered" by offering the woman help. Cruel and despicable. Ever since the new director, Michael, took charge there's been nothing but mismanagement and a lack of compassion in service. There's a noticeable downturn in services and resources offered to people needing help and a callousness to new participants. There's been a refusal of service to trans ex-staff after they tried to form a union. Any queer people looking for help please be wary and be aware that this place has changed and is no longer a safe space for queer individuals.
April 2023 by Dani Gutierrez
A true gem in our community full of wonderful people who are an incredible resource for anyone needing support or wanting to support someone or learn more on how to be an ally.
December 2022 by Kelly Smith
Very helpful for the people they serve
September 2022 by Southpaw Wooldridge
Great safe space! Weekly support groups.
August 2022 by YEAHBUDDY TMFIL
Showing love and support for the transgender community!
February 2022 by Paige Apachito
I totally love the atmosphere, the workers are a big help all the time, I just love being in a place where there's no judgement, Love You Doll's... xoxoxo
November 2021 by Primate Productions
Super nice staff!
October 2021 by Above & Beyond Auto Glass & Tint
My kids love this place!! They have a ton of fun every time we go!
July 2021 by anony mous
this place helps a pretty large amount of people i think.i'd just be aware that the core leadership is pretty liberal, like they've even recently posted something on their official twitter praising joe biden of all people for saying something about trans people in a speech.and just based on my experience, i wouldn't expect it to help like, with serious or hard stuff.the drop in center can be pretty helpful if you are homeless and have nowhere to be during the day though. and there's food.i guess just. my main concern with this place is that there seems to be a pretty large schism between the socioeconomic positions of those who are in charge of it and those who access it's services. and that those who are in charge of it seem to be very liberal in their politics, which will obv directly impact how this place is ran. it seems to generally trust the government safety net, doctors/therapists, and other social services to not be evil for example, when they often will be esp when dealing with highly marginalized people.personally speaking, i had a not so great experience here a few years ago. i was in a pretty horrible time in my life, i was homeless and being stalked by abusive parents, and they kind of just didn't offer or give me any services or aid even though multiple of the staff members were aware of my situation and i asked for help. like, they say they help with housing on their website for example, and that would have been super useful probably. but they just kinda didn't help me at all or even offer to so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯i guess this place is a pretty good demonstration that taking the standard nonprofit "social services" model that generally ignores the need for systemic change and acts like capitalism is actually fine and that all suffering is individual and can be solved by giving enough people social workers, and just putting wealthy trans people in charge of it as its "executive director" and "board of directors" wont actually fix any of the problems inherent with it.
May 2021 by Desiree H
Always extremly helpful, kind, no judgement, you come in with a need and they try their best to fill it and if they can't they get on the phone and help you figure out what our where you need to go! My favorite place to go for help and resources!