These products are really great! They are very sturdy and do not weather quickly. My dog has been wearing his for about 9 months now, it's been washed several times (he got sprayed by a skunk) and the collar looks great. No fraying or discoloration!
February 2023
These products are really great! They are very sturdy and do not weather quickly. My dog has been wearing his for about 9 months now, it's been washed several times (he got sprayed by a skunk) and the collar looks great. No fraying or discoloration!
June 2021
We have been selling Sandia Pet Products at our practice for years. We love the quality and unique selection of collars. Thank you! From our Veterinarians and staff.
Sandra Alexander started Sandia Pet Products in 1990 as a combination of her love for pets and sewing. Starting with one industrial machine, she was the designer, sewer, and salesperson. Her initial customer base was the local pet shops and groomers in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The focus of the company remains the independent shops that rely on unique products, great service, and love for animals as the foundation of their business. From the beginning, Sandra provided her customers with a wide variety of styles, colors, and trim patterns for collars, harnesses, and leashes, allowing the independent shop to offer items not available in the big, discount stores.