November 2023 by Sharon H.
A must see, bucket list experience!Thanks to my friends who live in NM, I was fortunate to experience the 51st International Hot Air Balloon Festival twice during my visit in early October. We woke up at 3a on both days for the short drive to the fiesta grounds, although with all the other cars on the road it was more like a couple of hours waiting in traffic and waiting to park. Still, the excitement in the air was palpable, and worth the lack of sleep to experience "dawn patrol" when the first handful of hot air balloons go up in the dark morning skies.It's also good to go early so you can check out the fiesta merch tent, grab a cup of coffee and a donut before the long lines, and hit the porta potties. After the first time in one, decided to get in the longer line for the flush portables!As the skies lightened, more balloons floated up into the skies creating a colorful skyscape. Cheers accompanied lift off as the crowds shouted their appreciation. The fiesta grounds are huge, so we easily walked 10,000 steps just going from one end to the other but stayed on the grassy lawn rather than by the vendor booths which sold fiesta food (burritos, churros, funnel cakes, fries, etc) and more merchandise.It was all very chaotic, but the mood was generally happy! On the eclipse day, we had on our special glasses to watch the event which was almost surreal. The temps dropped and the skies took on an almost washed out color. It wasn't completely dark because the moon had a ring of fire from the sun peeking behind it. Next year's event is scheduled Oct. 5-13 and is themed "Embrace the Sky" ... highly recommend!
October 2023 by Azure G.
Fun event! I had it on my radar for a few years and was finally able to make it while in town for the eclipse. I appreciated they had shuttles to and from a few different parking lots to cut down on traffic and was pretty affordable. Ticket prices were also not bad.Lots of activities for all age ranges and was definitely family friendly. It was pretty hot with very little shade, so sunscreen and plenty of water is a must. For those who aren't a fan of crowds, don't go on a weekend. It can be very overwhelming.Like most events like this, the food was wildly overpriced, so if you're on a budget, I suggest bringing your own snacks. Overall, a good event to attend!
October 2023 by Matt C.
I had a truly amazing time here at the Balloon Fiesta two weeks ago. It was their 51st running and when I tell you it was big, it was huge! Over 500 balloons and acres of food, fun, and tents!I went for the Night event, one where the balloons do not fly but blow up and shine their torch. It started at sunset but you need to get there at least an hour or two early. I went around 3:30 and got in the line for parking. On site parking is $20 (cash!) and about a ten minute walk. I found it fine. The entrance was crowded and could have used some crowd control, but soon enough I was in! There are two huge souvenir tents for official merchandise, and countless other booths selling everything!Lots of food too, many stands (and lines) selling meats, fair food, drinks, and more! I was so busy running around, I didn't eat anything. There wasn't much particularly balloon themed, mostly generic carnival food. The evening came and the balloons inflated. What fun! You can go right up and watch the big fire jets. You can talk about balloons with the owners, and collect trading cards! Then go see the next balloon, and repeat for hours!They have periodic "all-burns" at night where everyone lights up. Great photo ops! Make sure you bring enough camera charge!They have a aerial show at night, and fireworks to cap it off. I left and walked back before the fireworks. Then watching them from my car, was able to leave the parking lot well before the crowds came back. What an amazing time, and I can't wait for next year!
October 2023 by Mateo D.
There are few experiences in life that can even begin to hold a candle to the Balloon Fiesta!TRULY SPECTACULAR!
October 2023 by Tony M.
This a great event to attend fun views. It is a pricey activity with entrance fee is $15.00 with parking in dirt and weeds costs $20.00. There are per event so if you do a morning event and evening g double that. Food and drinks are three times what you find for the same food offsite.
October 2023 by Edrika G.
Let me start by saying, I'm from Albuquerque so......... yeah, I'm a bit biased. But, I've been away since 1987 (wow, I'm dating myself) when I joined the military and moved away. So....... this was the first time I had actually been back to the actual Balloon Fiesta in YEARS. Growing up we could walk outside and they'd just be flying nearby or over the house. I didn't get none of that during this visit so I'm glad Mom & I went to Balloon Fiesta Park.We did the Park & Ride. Nobody wants to get up at 0300 hours, but I think I'd dread waiting in that line of cars to get into the park even worst. And that idea was CLUTCH! As soon as we parked at Cottonwood Mall the buses began to load and we were off. They snuck us in a back way and we were trolling the grounds in no time. Mom found a scooter rental place so we did that then off to check out the tents for some memorabilia & coffee. Yes, but first....... COFFEE.I've got to say, this Balloon Fiesta keeps growing & growing. It's a well-oiled machine! There are plenty of bathrooms and I never had to wait that long. They are also fairly clean, with an additional 'trailer' bathroom for families and ADA. The drone show started first and it's amazing to me how they do that. Shortly after that was the 'Dawn Patrol'. Those are the few (8) balloons that go up to make sure it's okay for the rest to fly (or ascend).And ASCEND they did!!! There were approximately 500 balloons in attendance this year from all over the world! Mom & I were like big kids pointing out all the animal shaped balloons and just amazed at them all. There were so many and they kept going and going and going. We both wondered how they could fit them all on the field! What I love about the fiesta is the fact that you can get CLOSE! Some of the balloonists with even engage the crowd to assist them with preparing their balloon for flight. Some were HUGE! The Creamland Cow was ginormous and was right in front of where we stood. I'm going to have to bring some friends back.Mind you, it's an open field. No matter what the forecast is, it's always coldest before the dawn. So, if you come in the morning bring plenty of jackets and maybe even a blanket. You'll have a great time. As another reviewer mentioned, the day is broken up into the day and night events. You can't stay at the park all day. After morning ascension the park closes at about 11AM. Plenty of time to see the balloons, get some souvenirs, eat something, then ride out. You've got to come at least once. There's several activities that span the two weeks so, no two days will be the same and you may even see different balloons. Check it out.
October 2023 by Nancy C.
My husband and I had the most amazing time being at the Balloon Fiesta. I had always wanted to go and see it. So happy that we finally made it there to see it in person! It always looked so cool online. It was even better in person. We felt like we were in a movie.We went 3 different times over the week to have 3 different experiences. So glad that we did! The first day, we went to the night glow. There weren't that many people so you could get close to the balloons and see them light up. Then we went early the next morning for the tail end of the dawn patrol. It was great seeing the balloons inflate, light up and ascend. The mass ascension was magical. It's one thing to see it on tv and a whole other in person. Loved seeing all the colors and types of balloons. Everyone was so happy. It was also fun shopping at all the vendors, especially checking out all the pins. I got two cute ones to take home. Pin trading is a fun event that people of all ages get into. There are also tons of festival food vendors with local specialities and typical fair food. Toadland is a nice shop with all items made in New Mexico. On Friday morning, we went for special shapes day and I am so glad that we did. It was the best event because there were many more balloons and we loved seeing all the special shapes. They made everyone so happy. There were tons of familiar faces in the sky like Darth Vader, Yoda, Sylvester the Cat and Tweety, the Tasmanian Devil, Tom and Jerry, Smokey the Bear, etc. The regular colorful balloons were still there too. There was also a 10 story cow for Creamland that was so cool to see. The globitos or small hot air balloons were a nice surprise. They went up after the main event and were remote controlled. It was like a second event after the main event. They even had live indigenous performances on the main stage that were excellent. We also enjoyed going to see the live carvings. They were so talented and so well done.This is a must see event when in Albuquerque during fiesta week.
October 2023 by TJ R.
Wow. Totally didn't enjoy that. Firstly, if you wanna see balloons lift off, you have to arrive at 5am. Wasn't gonna do that. And the day is divided into two sections so I opted for the afternoon. Why you can't just have one all day pass? No idea. I bought the bus option thinking I could avoid traffic and it was only $2 more. And this did work: was able to park at a mall and get a ride over. Theproblem then was that there weren't any balloons. I had pretty much seen all the overpriced shops in an hour and I wasn't going to start drinking overpriced beer in the burning sun. Then the real problem arose: the bus service refused to return me to my car, said I had to wait at least two more hours (some people said 4 more hours). So there I was stranded while they were driving empty buses back. I was able to ask several people 'how do I escape?' And eventually found a spot for an uber. With traffic and confusion, it took almost 30 mins for them to arrive. (eventually I had to walk about 1km to find them)Overall, would not do it again. Frankly, I want my money back. That said, they do have good food, music, toilets, etc. Busy, but not too crowded. Friendly staff. Just drive yourself! And check the event timing.
October 2023 by Robert C.
Where else can you watch 545 hot air balloons launch in one spot every year for the past 51 years? Booked hotel reservations for one week at inflated rates six months in advance. Paid airfare to Albuquerque, 1200 miles flying distance, higher than the airfare to Honolulu, 2400 miles flying distance. Paid rental car through Costco rentals. Got up at 5am, ate breakfast at 530am at our hotel, left the hotel at 6am. The 8 mile drive took 40 minutes, the last 2 miles 30 minutes, with traffic gridlock off the freeway 25 heading north. And this was with traffic cones and traffic control supervised by police. Paid $20, cash only, to park. Walked 20 minutes from the parking lot near Presbyterian Administration to the entrance to the festival. Paid $33 for two $15 tickets, no senior discount, but children under 12 free, with a 10% surcharge for credit card. Tickets have no in and out privileges and are good for only the current session once scanned. Wore long pants, heavy shirt, heavy sweater, and Hoka running shoes for the 2.5 miles of walking. It's cold at 6am with temperatures in the 40s. You can bring in chairs, wagons, foods, strollers, but no alcohol and no dogs!Huge lines for the dozen of porta potties. The more reason I prefer the separate mens and womens lines. 7am starting time for the special shapes balloon rodeo. Wall to wall people, including many with wagons for their kids. Watched images of Yoda, Tasmanian Devil, London Bobby, Police Dog, Felix the Cat, . Some like Darth Vader and Mirabelle the Cow never made if off the ground. 830am the special shapes balloons start coming back to the ground, and deflated. Took a picture of the wife just as one special shapes balloon deflated. Wife took a picture of me, with the balloon tip of the tongue right on my forehead. Trekked back to the car by 10am. Empty parking lot. Car next to us had two adults sleeping, mouths open, and all windows open. They too got up at 5am, and knew traffic was bad going back to the freeway.Came back Saturday. Woke up at 4am, left the hotel at 5am. Took 2 hours to cover 8 miles. Left freeway 25 three exits before, and took the Pan American bypass through two exits. Arrived at the parking lot at 7am, 20 minute walk to get to the balloon fiesta field, just in time to see the mass ascension. One hour later winds pick up and the rest of the balloons including Darth Vader are left to deflate before getting off the ground. At least I didn't come back Sunday, as the winds were so strong that they couldn't even launch the balloons, much to the disappointment of all those who got up at 4am, fought hours of congested traffic, and paid good money to attend. No refunds.
October 2023 by Arne B.
Things to know about the Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta:1) $$$$This is an annual event that brings in tens of thousands from out of town, so expect to pay more for everything from flights, hotels, parking, food and drink and souvenirs. It comes with the territory.2) Tens of thousands...Be prepared for crowds, traffic and more. There will be crowds both on and off the field of balloons, including for porta-potties. 3) If you're one of the early risers, use your smartphone built-in flashlights or bring one separately. It is dark on the field. 4) Only you can decide whether the Gondola Club or other services are worth it.5) See #1.MAKE RESERVATIONS WELL IN ADVANCE! Flights, hotels and car rentals will be expensive for this annual event... or unavailable if you delay. Like it or not, it is basic economics... supply and demand. 6) Bring a fully-charged smartphone. There is a charging station adjacent to the Sid Cutter Pilots Pavilion in case of need, however it may be crowded. Remember, a spare battery pack is your friend for events like this.7) Attitude!Be sure to bring an attitude of adaptability and flexibility. Take deeps breaths in an out.8) Altitude!Folks, the Albuquerque altitude varies from 4,700 to 5,300 feet. If you do a 14 hour road-trip starting at sea level, arrive at 1:45 a.m., get no sleep and arrive to the parking area at 4:30 a.m.... You'll be sorry. Very, very sorry.The balloon launch field is 86-acres. This means you will walk a lot, perhaps more than you are used to. This is why it is important to arrive a day or two before attending a session in order to give you body time to acclimate. 9) Be on the lookout for others on the field. People will be taking photos and gawking while on the field. You will not want to be walking into balloon crew or other people!In my opinion, the balloon fiesta is a once, twice or more in a lifetime event.
October 2023 by Rachel B.
I was back again this year!!! Still love Balloon Fiesta!!! I do have some feedback. The Cottonwood Park and Ride walking path is super difficult to navigate - there should be clear directional signage. I have been lost more than once. Also, there are not enough portable toilets - it's just gross. I won't go into details but ..... if I didn't have to go I wouldn't. (There was toilet paper which I found impressive). Collecting the pins is super fun to me, but there were very few places this year giving them out. On opening morning I arrived at the Visit Albuquerque Photo Booth (which I visit every year) and I asked for a pin. They gave me one but one of their representatives commented under her breathe about how demanding it was of me to request / ask. That's so rude. I wasn't demanding or unkind. I was merely enjoying my time and hoping to collect their latest pin. Food vendors need clear signage if they only accept cash; it's frustrating to wait 30 minutes, get to the front, and discover they don't accept cards. One more criticism, we stayed to watch the fireworks on Saturday night, but around 8:45pm we decided we should head home. The fireworks had not displayed because of the hydrogen balloon launch. It's cool to watch history and the hydrogen race, but the timeline seemed a little off. I did not see the fireworks. I will continue to visit Balloon Fiesta! The balloons, pilots, and teams were top notch as usual!!!!
September 2020 by Richard Trent II
This review is from someone that attended Fiesta from 1988 to 1998, 2003, 2013, and 2015+. All of these problems listed below has been an issue since I've attended the 2013 and newer Fiestas.The event it's self is amazing, I highly recommend watching on TV or from the thousands of locations outside of the park. If you do go to the park I'd recommend park and ride (online only which has solved a lot of the issues) and catching the very first rides into the park.This whole Fiesta, other than park and ride, is a fiasco! What is the point of paying $15 to go and park your car? They have literally 2 lanes entering the park coming from tramway/Roy. To top that off the traffic coming from Alameda join into those 2 lanes, so now you just bottle neck everything!Oh wait it gets better when leaving the park they have you leaving with 2 lanes(used to be 4) but no! That is a lie as you get closer to the frontage road it all bottle necks down to 1 lane (let me remind you it used to be 4 lanes bottle necking to 2 on the frontage road)! Oh but it gets even better once on the frontage road it stays 2 lanes until you are almost to I25 studios. Hey but at that point it should have just stayed 1 because you get everyone cramming to move right to just move back to the left lane to get on I25 once passed the Alameda stop light.Oh but you are thinking, 'oh its ok, they have a lot of awesome police officers directing traffic' (btw the officers are great except for the ones directing traffic out to a lane just to be told that they have to make a u-turn by the officers 1 street up because that lane doesn't exist because traffic is flowing in both directions, and instead of moving just 1 cone to let you in to merge with the traffic leaving, they move 5 cones and say that they don't want to bother with traffic merging, so why not work with the officers down at the field where traffic starts to tell them that that lane doesn't exist back to what I was saying)! Yay we have a lot of officers for directing traffic...nope just 4 officers at every intersection standing around. Great!Even better when entering the park from the frontage road giant signs say 'traffic use 2 turning lanes' with well illustrated pictures. Then when I use the second lane I almost get t-boned because some SUV doesn't want to stay in the right (first lane).My family is done with Balloon Fiesta and we won't be saying anything good about it. If you want to see Balloon Fiesta, do it from the TV or go to Rio Rancho, or the millions of other places to see the balloons, because the park officials don't care about the visitors, they only care about the money!
September 2020 by Alex Maldonado
Nothing like it any where!!
September 2020 by TK 1982
I came to Balloon Fiesta for the first time. I was able to enjoy the fantastic and wonderful scenery more than I expected. For morning sessions, arrive at 4:30am on Mondays and Wednesdays and park easily at the nearest parking lot. I arrived at 4:00am on Thursday and Friday and was able to park without difficulty.