Normally the fudge is good. However, I bought vanilla fudge, with nuts, in the off season. You could tell, hands down, that it was old. It tasted old. It must have been sitting around for a while. I guess they just don't go through it quick enough in the off season, but c'mon. Throw it out if it's old. Disappointed.
November 2023
Friendly worker Delicious candy for Easter
August 2023
We like the fudge kitchen. It's a beach staple. The fudge is really good the taffy is decent. As most things down the shore it's actually an expensive place You can find better deals on the basic candy at other places. But you really go for the fudge.
The Original Fudge Kitchen was started in 1971 by The Bogle Family. We are still hand whipping our homemade creamy fudge in small batches. We have our famous homemade Salt Water Taffy and a wide selection of Premium Chocolates. There are 6 retail locations and we ship anywhere year round though 800-23 FUDGE or FUDGEKITCHENS dot com