May 2024 by Jessie Kraft
UPDATED: if you put your health first then do not go here. I’m not usually one to write a bad review but for hygienic reasons, I feel this is necessary. The “women’s room” upstairs has been in a very sad state since I joined a year ago. To begin, the highest weight dumbbell is 27.5 pounds and there are never 2 matching ones. If they do match, it’s always a low weight like 15-20 lbs. There are so many mismatched dumbbells it’s not even worth looking for a matching one at this point or dragging one from downstairs to the upstairs area. As far as cleanliness, I can tell it’s not cleaned. I came in at night on a Monday and noticed a bright blue hair tie that has a clump of hair attached to it, on the floor in plain view near the treadmills. I come back on Friday and that same hair tie is still there in the middle of the floor. It’s hard to miss and the fact that 4 days later it’s still there is a problem. It says that no one vacuums or mops up here. The clock has been broken for about a month now. There is dust collecting on the very out dated gym equipment as well. As far as the woman’s locker room, so far out of the four showers I’ve tried, only 2 have decent water pressure. There are a few that have such low pressure it’s impossible to use. I came in on April 18th and after my workout was going to shower in the stall that is the second to last on the right hand side (best water pressure). I noticed there was this white thing wrapped in hair stuck in the drain. I come back today, April 21st and it’s still there! I had to take a picture and include it because I can’t believe even the showers aren’t cleaned. That’s a minimum of 4 days that no one touched the shower to clean it. There are always gum wrappers hidden in the bathroom stalls in weird spots. Someone spilled some kind of liquid in locker 38 a few days ago and that also hasn’t been cleaned either! I can’t justify paying 40+ dollars a month when that money is very obviously not going towards the building upkeep. I keep coming to this location because it’s close to home, hoping that things will get better but it’s only getting worse. If basic things aren’t getting thrown out, that means no mopping or disinfecting is done. Why is it okay to risk people’s health? I want to cancel my membership but it says I’ll have to pay a $100 fee. At this point I’m just risking getting a skin infection or worse coming here.Today is April 30th and I provided an updated picture that the drain is STILL NOT CLEANED and neither is the locker. Management won’t let me quit without the $100 fee and I’ve been going back and forth with them. Go to any other gym at this point. Even private gyms are the same price as here at this point and I’d rather pay maybe another $10 just to have the piece of mind that they sweep and mop at a minimum. You won’t get that here.
*************10/10 DO NOT RECCOMEND*********************I've been going back and forth with myself on writing this review, but because I wouldn't want anyone else to experience what I've gone through with this gym I decided to give my review. Back story I've been an on and off member of this location for years and every single time I rejoin in hopes that things changed I'm hit with the reality that they have not and instantly regret it. I rejoined this time 2/24 because of the 24hr access seemed convenient with my work schedule. The gym was always overpriced in my opinion but I figured I was paying for convivence at this point. I was encouraged to get a "Body consultation" done (just a scale that tells your weight and body composition). I usually turn those down because in the end they always pressure you into buying something. Against my better judgement I went in for the assessment was bullied into signing up for personal training, I brought into in under the pretense that I would be able to CANCEL ANYTIME!!! Well that wasn't true at all I've been attempting to cancel since the end of March. I haven't utilized the training since Mid March and was often canceling the sessions due to my work schedule, I noticed on the days that I would cancel I would get a email saying "You've completed your session" It seemed to me that canceling with the trainer was pointless because he obviously never removed me from his schedule that would often throw my mood off, because I felt that he was getting credit for something that he didn't do. Speaking of the training sessions its 2-30min sessions a week. Day 1 I was about 5 mins late due to traffic when I arrived the trainer already had his coat on to go home he was in one of the group rooms and wouldn't even acknowledge my presence understandably I was late but acknowledgement would've went a long way nevertheless I received the "Session completed email" although I never even had the session I should've canceled then but took accountability because I was late. Second session I was on time walked in the trainer appeared to be finishing up with another client or so I thought. He literally overbooked he was training 2 people at once and was obvious more focused on the Man he was working with so my second session was literally me being put on a machine to go at it alone no encouragement, support, nothing he would go back and forth but out of a 30min session I got maybe 10 good mins of his time if I'm being honest. I honestly should've canceled then but I was being nice giving it the benefit of doubt because I so wanted this time to be different with this place. I was consistently only receiving a good 15 mins of work out the other 15 was filled with a lot of fluff looking for what's next like the workouts were never planned in advance, there was no push, or motivation I was paying to work out with my unmotivated friend is what it felt like, to a point where I had to start wearing headphones with motivational podcast during the sessions to help me get threw the workouts. After given it a few chances hoping it would've gotten better it never did. Now I try to cancel due to my work schedule and only being able to work out during "unstaffed" hours, and also because I was unhappy with the service. I'm being told that I cannot cancel for a year, there is no way you could hold someone captive to a service they aren't even using. It was NEVER explained that I was stuck in something like that or else I would've never signed up for it. Everything in life is cancelable even at a price but these people refuse to listen to reason. So for your own good DO NOT INVEST YOUR TIME OR MONEY INTO THIS PLACE!! THEY ARE HORRIBLE WHEN IT COMES TO YOU THE CONSUMER.. THEY HONESTLY DON'T CARE!!!! THIS GOT 1 STAR ONLY BECUSE I HAD TO GIVE SOMETHING SO I GUESS THE STAR IS FOR THE 24HR ACCESS.
April 2024 by lisa albertson
The place is just ok...I like it because it is less crowded than P.F., but I just signed up and right from the get go the sales person was giving me a hard time because I did not sign up when I had taken a tour 2 days prior. The woman quoted 19.99/month which is a promotion going on to the end of April, but this horrible salesman was being argumentative with me right from the moment I walked into his office. I did get that price in the end, but he did lie to me about the hours, stating for the regular non-24 access membership the hours are 5AM-9PM, only to find out they are 8 AM. I know he said that as I wrote it down when he told me, only to get there Sat morning at 7 to find that I could not get in. So I would not trust a thing these sales people tell you, they will lie through there teeth just to get the sale or commission, etc. Make sure you see everything in writing and do not trust anything by mouth...I realized this after the fact when I read all the horrible reviews about their unsavory business practices and now I am kind of pissed with myself for trusting someone's words by mouth.
January 2024 by Lu
The gym just isn’t worth the price and fees. It’s fee on fee on fee here for a very outdated gym that often isn’t properly cleaned. 24 hours sounded so appealing, but it just isn’t worth the price. Save your money honestly.
November 2023 by hfghfg fgdg
***************************************Donot goto Jersey strong, whatever the offers you find outside has no value. They will rob you the very first day you enter the gym. They don’t even respect you if you don’t follow there words. You will regret for for their offers and going to their gym. Don’t fall for there traps. Have a good day and good night all. ???
October 2023 by Marisa Pollack
I’ve enjoyed my time at Jersey Strong in Robbinsville so far. I'm just getting started.As included with my membership, I met with Craig for my Results protocol session, and he was awesome. He was very knowledgeable and kind.Edit: I believe I was a bit mislead when signing up. I was told JerseyStrong+ was included in a basic membership, which it is not. It is an additional cost. I just had to downgrade my membership. Keep an eye out when signing up.
October 2023 by Alexandra Loza
Craig is a fantastic trainer who is super flexible with my challenging schedule and fun to work with. Great place!
September 2023 by Luis Aguilera
Just recently became a member of this gym & already love the atmosphere, the equipment and energy from it. I really enjoy the fact that it’s open 24hrs for those that have chaotic schedules and usually most of the times at night, the gym is practically empty which is great for your gains! Overall would recommend this place to friends & family.
September 2023 by BIG YOUS
Big spacious gym with all the equipment you will ever need. It's also open 24/7 which is a big plus for me.My only gripe is their very aggressive sales tactics. my friend brought me as a guest to try out the gym, but I was taken into a room with a manager and pressured into signing a contract. I was probably going to sign up anyways but I kind if wish I did it at my local branch.
September 2023 by Fabrice “Dope” Eugene
My visit to JerseyStrong+ was great! I was assisted by Heraldo who did an amazing job explaining the process and description of the gym and the membership methods. I am definitely looking forward to the experiences!
August 2023 by Danielle Garcia
The gym itself seems great, but after the interaction I had the first 10 mins of being there, it’s a no from me. My appointment with Hiraldo? who I believe is the assistant manager or in some sort of management position turned out to be the most uncomfortable, unprofessional experience. He was very friendly and welcoming at first, brought me back into his office to discuss plan options with me. I was not eligible for the 21 day pass I initially came in for, so we discussed a $0 down option with what he presented as a special coupon provided by Hiraldo himself that knocked $200 off the initial fee. I asked him about how guest passes worked since that is a huge deciding factor for me, he said that there were 30 day trials for friends, the 21 day pass, etc but no option to have a guest every day like my current gym (planet fitness) provides. I told him I would have to talk to my boyfriend about these options and get back to him since I bring him to my gym as a guest several days a week, and that I would come back later that day if I decided to sign up. He immediately got annoyed and told me that if I leave the gym and come back the $0 offer will no longer be on the table. He said I’ll give you some privacy to call your boyfriend… I felt a bit pressured and uncomfortable at this point but he left the office, stood by a machine directly behind it with the door open and watched me make my call. I told him again that I’m going to think about it and come back later on in the day if I decide to move forward and he got hostile, telling me again that I wouldn’t be getting the $0 down once I walk out the door. Overall felt very pressured and uncomfy, and wouldn’t go back solely due to Hiraldo and his terrible sales tactics.
June 2023 by Johb N.
Dumbest rule I've ever heard of my entire life I want to get a day pass just to work out pay whatever it costs 20-25 I pull my ID out the guys like oh you have to be a Jersey resident to get a day pass something to do with liability I'm like are you serious you're not understanding something right here dumbest thing I ever heard in my life screw this place
April 2023 by Jenna Fox
Bullied me into a personal training contract days before the COVID shutdowns. Despite my calling and cancelling years ago, they sent me to collections. They’re just after your money.
March 2023 by Glenda I. Santos
** MUST READ **I left feeling belittled, judged, and insulted by staff.not worth it.......I went for a tour of this gym at 3:00 pm on 3/11/2023. the sole purpose of my visit was to check out the gym since i was in the area and to inquire of the prices. the gym is spacious and has a lot of equipment. i was looking forward to trying the gym out with the 21 day trial pass which is FALSELY ADVERTISED. once i went in, staff said i could only do a 3 day trial because i did a walk in instead of applying online for a 2 week trial.i was greeted by geraldo at the front desk and he was friendly at first. i state my reason for being there. im looking to switching gyms and want a tour of this one. everything was fine until he brought me to the office. there was a random $17.50 processing fee on the second month of having the membership and the enrollment fees were a little too high for my liking, however the gym wasnt off the table for me.i must say, geraldo has THE WORST SALES TACTIC AND CUSTOMER SERVICE I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED. i am not the type of person to write reviews but this needs to be said. i remained calm the whole time but i was LIVID. i attempted to leave when geraldo asks "whats more important? the thai food youre about to pick up or your goals?" after i told him i was in the area to pick up food. there was a paper with the gym pricing info on it and he pulls it towards him and says "maybe youre not ready to commit to your goals" WHO IS THIS DUDE TO BE MAKING COMMENTS LIKE THIS IN CUSTOMER SERVICE. i mention that im a nursing student and that I work out 3x a week. he mentions THREE TIMES THAT THIS GYM MAY BE NOT THE RIGHT FIT FOR ME. WHO SAYS THAT TO SOMEONE? whether you work out 3x a week or 6x... it doesnt matter. you are a paying customer anyway. such a horrible experience that i will share with everyone. the attitude from staff is very TOXIC AND NOT FOR EVERYONE especially since he mentioned that the gym is for "everyone" clearly, that's a lie. he said that there are nurses that go to the gym after a 48 hour shift. HIS WORDS. overall, he was rude and was very passive aggressive until he was just aggressive. -100000/10 rating for him.do better jersey strong....to management: i noticed for every bad review, you respond "submit a ticket" and post a link. Soooooo whats this ticket going to do? DO YOU CARE? highly doubt it. i say post your general manager or regional managers number or email instead. lets talk how about that!!!!!
March 2023 by Matt Haninczak
I was going to give them 4 stars but I gotta give them 5 they legit have every single piece of equipment and machine you could ask for. Huge weights floor, never really too crowded, and open 24/7. The price is what it is it’s around 55 a month but in my opinion for all of the weights and machines they offer and also the whole upper floor of studio/ classes rooms and cardio machines, it is worth it.